Nick & I had to go to Ecclesiastical Court this morning! It was all a bit serious. First of all we arrived and had to give over £50, then we were ushered into a waiting room with a bunch of nervous looking young couples and wait for ages. We were the last ones to be called and finally had to go through to this very official looking room with a big wooden desk. Anyway there was this reverend there, a canon or something, plus his assistant. He sat us down and asked us if we had ever been married before (no guvnor), if we were related (no) or if we knew of any reason we could not be married (hmm, no). Then after the probing questions he made us stand up, put our right hands on the bible and swear we were telling the truth. I was grinning like a loon the entire time becuase I found it all a bit surreal and ridiculous, which I don't think he appreciated. So at the end of it all we were issued with a bit of paper that says we are allowed to get married! It's all above board now.
I had a lovely chicken/bacon salad for lunch and now I have a couple of viewings. This evening I can't believe it but we are going out for a curry again, I am going to be sweating spices out of every pore. But I'm not allowed to stay late or get drunk, as I want to be all bright eyed tomorrow. I have to go on a ferry for an hour which I will hate, and the ferry is full which makes it worse. Someone told me a bunch of footballers are going over to Jersey tomorrow which is just marvellous.
Friday, April 28, 2006
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Oh Yorkie Bar I love you
Raisin & Biscuit yorkies are better than Mars, but both fall at the knees of cadbury's caramel which is the Queen of all things good and melty.
More wedding stuff, alert! alert! No, its fine. My Dad has magically found some 1930's cars and I'm going round briefly to have a look at them tonight at 7:30 to chose what we want. How cool is that. I really like the idea of turning up in some king of Bugsy Malone-mobile. I could do a drive by shooting at the church of everyone that hasn't bought me presents. Also I have been looking at possible hymns for the Church. Now, I'm not really into hymns so its hard to chose but I have got a short list which goes:
All thing Bright & Beautiful (everyone knows it and it reminds me of school)
Morning has Broken (Was it Cat Stevens that did a really beautiful version of this? Anyway, again its a classic)
Lord of the Dance (becuase its fun and happy clappy and again reminds of primary school)
Give me Joy in my Heart (same reason as above)
One more Step along the world I go (This has a really nice tune and is a definite. The chorus goes: "and its from the old I travel to the new, keep me travelling along with you" if you know it)
I can't think of any more that I know. We have to go with 3 so I'm almost there.
More wedding stuff, alert! alert! No, its fine. My Dad has magically found some 1930's cars and I'm going round briefly to have a look at them tonight at 7:30 to chose what we want. How cool is that. I really like the idea of turning up in some king of Bugsy Malone-mobile. I could do a drive by shooting at the church of everyone that hasn't bought me presents. Also I have been looking at possible hymns for the Church. Now, I'm not really into hymns so its hard to chose but I have got a short list which goes:
All thing Bright & Beautiful (everyone knows it and it reminds me of school)
Morning has Broken (Was it Cat Stevens that did a really beautiful version of this? Anyway, again its a classic)
Lord of the Dance (becuase its fun and happy clappy and again reminds of primary school)
Give me Joy in my Heart (same reason as above)
One more Step along the world I go (This has a really nice tune and is a definite. The chorus goes: "and its from the old I travel to the new, keep me travelling along with you" if you know it)
I can't think of any more that I know. We have to go with 3 so I'm almost there.
Humping Duckies
I had quite good fun last night after my DIY spatz at the flat. We went round to some friends of Nick's, Sue & Tommy who have this bungalow they've just finished renovating. It's absolutely beautiful and stunning with lots of oak/bamboo flooring, vaulted ceilings and funky ambient lighting. Lovely. Anyway they also have a field with a big quarry with a pond at the bottom that's full of the most massive koi fish (Alex I thought of you!) and we fed them and they went crazy for the fish food. It was a big splashy frenzy and honestly some of them were the length of my arm! I would be scared to swim in that pond, they looked as if they could take a human.
On the way to their house we took a wrong turn and while doing a U turn we spotted some rampant duckies that were having some sort of orgy by the roadside, the poor lady duck was getting humped by a mallard and there was another mallard just standing by perving on them and presumably waiting his turn.
I have a few viewings lined up today with a guy called Ed who is a friend of Tania's from school days. That should be fun. And I still have to get the vicar to sign my passport application and pop round Bob's cos I'm feeding his cat this weekend and I need the keys. And Debbie is coming round ours tonight about the honeymoon (she seems to work crazy hours, she''s coming round at 8) and I have to get the skirting boards ready for Tuesday for the carpets. Rahhhhhhhh too much to do!!
I delegated hen weekend planning to Suzi and she's found a lovely hotel that does a day spa pass for £25, we're going to go for it. It's just outside Southampton near Hedge End.
That is all, I missed the Apprentice last night but I'm betting blondie got the chop. It's on BBC3 next Tuesday so I'll wait and see then.
On the way to their house we took a wrong turn and while doing a U turn we spotted some rampant duckies that were having some sort of orgy by the roadside, the poor lady duck was getting humped by a mallard and there was another mallard just standing by perving on them and presumably waiting his turn.
I have a few viewings lined up today with a guy called Ed who is a friend of Tania's from school days. That should be fun. And I still have to get the vicar to sign my passport application and pop round Bob's cos I'm feeding his cat this weekend and I need the keys. And Debbie is coming round ours tonight about the honeymoon (she seems to work crazy hours, she''s coming round at 8) and I have to get the skirting boards ready for Tuesday for the carpets. Rahhhhhhhh too much to do!!
I delegated hen weekend planning to Suzi and she's found a lovely hotel that does a day spa pass for £25, we're going to go for it. It's just outside Southampton near Hedge End.
That is all, I missed the Apprentice last night but I'm betting blondie got the chop. It's on BBC3 next Tuesday so I'll wait and see then.
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Curry and emulsion
Went round the flat until half past 7 last night then came home to an empty house and a very hungry cat, as Nick was still out.
Leni phoned and we had a very long chat about things which was interrupted by Nick trying to phone my mobile several times. Sooooooo, I finally called him back and turned out he was in town and did I want to join, so I quick got changed and went out and we ended up having a lovely curry at the Taj Mahal. I'm not sure how authentic my main course was, it was chicken in a tomatoey sauce with cognac involved, but it was very nice indeed. Lou is over for 6 weeks from Devon to cover Rew's job, and Rew is off permanently as of next Wednesday which is poo for Nick, they're really good friends and they were all out last night. I bailed and came home after the meal becuase I do need my sleep, but it was nice to see her again.
I realised I was covered in paint at the dinner table and even had flecks on my nose but I think it wasn't that obvious.
Tonight I think we have to go round to Nick's workmates house, I'm not sure why exactly I think it's just for a drink but I could do without it to be honest becuase I have a load of painting to do round the flat. Ah well I'm sure it will be nice. I'm a bit tired though and feel bad because I snapped at Peter this morning, he was stating the obvious to me though and I was like I KNOW how to do my job thankyou I don't need your assistance. He was only trying to help though so I feel bad for being sarky. I will be nice from now on.
Leni phoned and we had a very long chat about things which was interrupted by Nick trying to phone my mobile several times. Sooooooo, I finally called him back and turned out he was in town and did I want to join, so I quick got changed and went out and we ended up having a lovely curry at the Taj Mahal. I'm not sure how authentic my main course was, it was chicken in a tomatoey sauce with cognac involved, but it was very nice indeed. Lou is over for 6 weeks from Devon to cover Rew's job, and Rew is off permanently as of next Wednesday which is poo for Nick, they're really good friends and they were all out last night. I bailed and came home after the meal becuase I do need my sleep, but it was nice to see her again.
I realised I was covered in paint at the dinner table and even had flecks on my nose but I think it wasn't that obvious.
Tonight I think we have to go round to Nick's workmates house, I'm not sure why exactly I think it's just for a drink but I could do without it to be honest becuase I have a load of painting to do round the flat. Ah well I'm sure it will be nice. I'm a bit tired though and feel bad because I snapped at Peter this morning, he was stating the obvious to me though and I was like I KNOW how to do my job thankyou I don't need your assistance. He was only trying to help though so I feel bad for being sarky. I will be nice from now on.
Monday, April 24, 2006
Zim Bah
Well, guess what I spent the weekend doing. I'm not going to tell you because if you can't guess by now then you're very dumb and shouldn't be reading my highly intellectual blog anyway.
Back at work and it's Monday, went to town to Woolworths just now to get my new passport photos done, they came out looking very gormless and spaced. I'm was going for a sort of half smile with a twinkle in my eye and came out looking like I'd eaten some magic shrooms.
Molly got assaulted last night by a big ginger tom cat. There was lots of raucousness and cat shreiks coming from outside so I went to investigate and ended up chasing it across the garden in my socks while clapping my hands and shouting BAH! BAH! at it to scare it off. God only knows what the neighbours thought of me.
Good news, Leni & Dom ARE coming to the wedding! Can't start the day with better news than that really.
We booked the honeymoon yesterday and it is VERY VERY EXCITING INDEED. The final plan is to fly to San Fransisco, stay a few days and hire a convertible which we'll drive down Pacific Ocean Highway (that's OC land, oh yes) to LA. We've got 2 day passes to Universal Studios and are staying v close to Hollywood walk of fame. Then we fly from there to Tokyo, that's right we're going to Japan! We're staying somewhere in the city for a few days, going to hit all the tourist spots and shops etc, get some of the crazy lifestyle. After that we fly to Bangkok and we've got a connection via coach to Hua Hin which is about 3 1/2 hours away and supposed to be beautiful and your typical sandy beach lazy Thailand resort. And that's out last stop then home again. So all in all I have a lot of reading up to do on all these places. It's going to be wonderful. The lady organising it for us has told all the airlines and hotels that we're honeymooners so you never know, we might get upgraded here and there.
Update: It's now the evening, I've had trouble with blogger I meant to post this earlier. I went shopping after work then came home and washed both the Smart(stupid) car and the Punto. Just waiting for Nick to come home, he's gone for a drink with Rew and Lou who's over from the UK for 6 weeks. Have found a repeat of Lost on E4 and have just turned the oven on, having plaice and chips for dinner. Weightwatchers chips actually, which I am convinced are a complete con but there you go. How can chips be diet?? Nick's emailed me another list of stuff to do. This one's the definitive one witrh absolutely everything we can think of.
Back at work and it's Monday, went to town to Woolworths just now to get my new passport photos done, they came out looking very gormless and spaced. I'm was going for a sort of half smile with a twinkle in my eye and came out looking like I'd eaten some magic shrooms.
Molly got assaulted last night by a big ginger tom cat. There was lots of raucousness and cat shreiks coming from outside so I went to investigate and ended up chasing it across the garden in my socks while clapping my hands and shouting BAH! BAH! at it to scare it off. God only knows what the neighbours thought of me.
Good news, Leni & Dom ARE coming to the wedding! Can't start the day with better news than that really.
We booked the honeymoon yesterday and it is VERY VERY EXCITING INDEED. The final plan is to fly to San Fransisco, stay a few days and hire a convertible which we'll drive down Pacific Ocean Highway (that's OC land, oh yes) to LA. We've got 2 day passes to Universal Studios and are staying v close to Hollywood walk of fame. Then we fly from there to Tokyo, that's right we're going to Japan! We're staying somewhere in the city for a few days, going to hit all the tourist spots and shops etc, get some of the crazy lifestyle. After that we fly to Bangkok and we've got a connection via coach to Hua Hin which is about 3 1/2 hours away and supposed to be beautiful and your typical sandy beach lazy Thailand resort. And that's out last stop then home again. So all in all I have a lot of reading up to do on all these places. It's going to be wonderful. The lady organising it for us has told all the airlines and hotels that we're honeymooners so you never know, we might get upgraded here and there.
Update: It's now the evening, I've had trouble with blogger I meant to post this earlier. I went shopping after work then came home and washed both the Smart(stupid) car and the Punto. Just waiting for Nick to come home, he's gone for a drink with Rew and Lou who's over from the UK for 6 weeks. Have found a repeat of Lost on E4 and have just turned the oven on, having plaice and chips for dinner. Weightwatchers chips actually, which I am convinced are a complete con but there you go. How can chips be diet?? Nick's emailed me another list of stuff to do. This one's the definitive one witrh absolutely everything we can think of.
Friday, April 21, 2006
Mc.Eachen Mc.Eachen Mc.Eachen
Thats my Dad's middle name. (Just once not 3 times obviously) I have only just learnt how to spell it, that's 26 years of not knowing my Dad's full name. How shocking. I was filling in a passport form and was suddenly stumped and had to phone him. He has his friends around for a curry night right now isn't that nice. I, on the other hand am sitting on my own watching American Idol because Nick's already gone to bed and I have a runny nose. I might watch a bit of this Tom Hanks film that's starting in a minute on Sky. Its turned into a bit of a Tom Hanks night cos I was watching the Burbs earlier while doing some ironing, such a classic film. Got to love Corey Feldman.
I wrote a full wedding to do list this morning and there were 33 things on it. That's do-able I reckon. I've been looking on ebay for fizzy ufo's because I couldn't find any in the supermarket. And hey, they are available so that's cool.
I got really freaked out last night when I was home alone. There was a scratchy weird noise outside my front door and I thought it was a werewolf/rapist and got really scared. Molly was all interested and was poised ready to pounce at the door and in the end I summoned the courage to unlock and open it and guess what? There was a sparow flying around my porch. Well, as you can imagine Molly was after it like a rocket but don't worry, it flew off. It was a bit strange though as it had to have been flying actually into the door by the noises it was making. SPOOKY.
Our friends invited us out on their speedboat on Sunday to go over to Sark for the day and we had to say no because we have so much to do! Doesn't that suck, oh well after July we'll be free as a bird to do lovely stuff like that.
Saw a lovely house today with a built in coffee machine and great big American style fridge in the kitchen. I would like a fridge with an ice dispenser but I guess seeing as I don't really drink coffee the coffee maching would be a waste. OOOh now a TEA machine, now you're talking. With a biscuit dispenser, dark chocolate mcvities.... that would do me fine. I'm looking forward to having a full size dishwasher in my new flat. That'g going to rock big time.
Argh, Molly just walked across my tummy and her paws are like icicles!! She says hello by the way, she loves the laptop it gets so lovely and warm.
I wrote a full wedding to do list this morning and there were 33 things on it. That's do-able I reckon. I've been looking on ebay for fizzy ufo's because I couldn't find any in the supermarket. And hey, they are available so that's cool.
I got really freaked out last night when I was home alone. There was a scratchy weird noise outside my front door and I thought it was a werewolf/rapist and got really scared. Molly was all interested and was poised ready to pounce at the door and in the end I summoned the courage to unlock and open it and guess what? There was a sparow flying around my porch. Well, as you can imagine Molly was after it like a rocket but don't worry, it flew off. It was a bit strange though as it had to have been flying actually into the door by the noises it was making. SPOOKY.
Our friends invited us out on their speedboat on Sunday to go over to Sark for the day and we had to say no because we have so much to do! Doesn't that suck, oh well after July we'll be free as a bird to do lovely stuff like that.
Saw a lovely house today with a built in coffee machine and great big American style fridge in the kitchen. I would like a fridge with an ice dispenser but I guess seeing as I don't really drink coffee the coffee maching would be a waste. OOOh now a TEA machine, now you're talking. With a biscuit dispenser, dark chocolate mcvities.... that would do me fine. I'm looking forward to having a full size dishwasher in my new flat. That'g going to rock big time.
Argh, Molly just walked across my tummy and her paws are like icicles!! She says hello by the way, she loves the laptop it gets so lovely and warm.
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Am feeling like an A grade achiever
I have managed to work quite far down the list. I've booked to come over to Jersey next Saturday but only by myself because get this, there was only ONE seat left on the ferry so Rachel can't come. Boo hiss boo.
But I've managed to sort out Liz's leaving present, paid the photographer, spoken to the wedding dress shop and the organist, organised a quote for the travel insurance plus I've got a load of paperwork coming on its way about passports and marriage licences. So I feel a bit smug all in all. And a bit more relaxed.
Katy G just emailed me and she wants to bring her boyfriend to the wedding. This wedding is going to be such a good opportunity to check out all my friends boyfriends and girlfriends I CANNEE WAIT!
I'm going home to do a couple hours of DIY tonight, nothing backbreaking just some painting and then home to eat the rest of my Easter eggs. Maggie gave me a creme egg one yesterday for looking after her orchid while she was away. She obviously didn't notice that all the little buds had fallen off...
But I've managed to sort out Liz's leaving present, paid the photographer, spoken to the wedding dress shop and the organist, organised a quote for the travel insurance plus I've got a load of paperwork coming on its way about passports and marriage licences. So I feel a bit smug all in all. And a bit more relaxed.
Katy G just emailed me and she wants to bring her boyfriend to the wedding. This wedding is going to be such a good opportunity to check out all my friends boyfriends and girlfriends I CANNEE WAIT!
I'm going home to do a couple hours of DIY tonight, nothing backbreaking just some painting and then home to eat the rest of my Easter eggs. Maggie gave me a creme egg one yesterday for looking after her orchid while she was away. She obviously didn't notice that all the little buds had fallen off...
Enough Already
Just so as you know, this is my list of things to sort out or do today:
book the Church organist
sort out Church flowers
sort out wedding cars
Get a wedding licence
Get us both new passports
book Condor ferries to go to Jersey Sat week to have a dress fitting and maybe take Rachel with me
order a new joint account cheque book
get new annual travel insurance quotes etc etc
gett a leaving present to Liz who's off on Friday
Buy a load of skirting board for the back bedroom from B&Q
Finish painting the lounge shelves and sand the wardrobes/door frame in the downstairs bedroom
Pay the photographer half his money
Pay the wedding dress folk the rest of their money
see, I am stressed for a reason, a good reason, a very very good reason. Lets see how many personal calls I can get away with while my boss is out of the office... Oh and on top of that I have to actually do work work which is just funny. Ha ha ha its just not going to happen today!! Nick is off god knows where, its either Poole, Southampton or Bournemouth today. I think Bournemouth was yesterday actually. He is doing an insane amount of travelling this week with his work.
Last night we went to see Singin in the Rain at Beau Sejour, blagged a couple of free tickets and sneaked in the back row. It was actually really good, apart from the lead bloke was definitely NOT anything even remotely resembling Gene Kelly (who I love) he was more like a short grey haired man in his mid 50's. God bless amateur dramatics.
Oh just phoned the wedding licence and HOLY MOTHER of God we are expected to attend Ecclesiastical Court!! WTF?? All seems a bit serious.
And I have phlegmy cough and so does Nick. I am a bit affronted to have this as we both no longer smoke and I wouldn't have expected a smokers cough like this. Its a real yucky spit out the gunge sort.
Oh, and we also have another list on the go which is about a mile long of wedding stuff and DIY crap and I'm not going to put that on here becuase its boring.
I don't even know why I'm blogging I really should do some work.
book the Church organist
sort out Church flowers
sort out wedding cars
Get a wedding licence
Get us both new passports
book Condor ferries to go to Jersey Sat week to have a dress fitting and maybe take Rachel with me
order a new joint account cheque book
get new annual travel insurance quotes etc etc
gett a leaving present to Liz who's off on Friday
Buy a load of skirting board for the back bedroom from B&Q
Finish painting the lounge shelves and sand the wardrobes/door frame in the downstairs bedroom
Pay the photographer half his money
Pay the wedding dress folk the rest of their money
see, I am stressed for a reason, a good reason, a very very good reason. Lets see how many personal calls I can get away with while my boss is out of the office... Oh and on top of that I have to actually do work work which is just funny. Ha ha ha its just not going to happen today!! Nick is off god knows where, its either Poole, Southampton or Bournemouth today. I think Bournemouth was yesterday actually. He is doing an insane amount of travelling this week with his work.
Last night we went to see Singin in the Rain at Beau Sejour, blagged a couple of free tickets and sneaked in the back row. It was actually really good, apart from the lead bloke was definitely NOT anything even remotely resembling Gene Kelly (who I love) he was more like a short grey haired man in his mid 50's. God bless amateur dramatics.
Oh just phoned the wedding licence and HOLY MOTHER of God we are expected to attend Ecclesiastical Court!! WTF?? All seems a bit serious.
And I have phlegmy cough and so does Nick. I am a bit affronted to have this as we both no longer smoke and I wouldn't have expected a smokers cough like this. Its a real yucky spit out the gunge sort.
Oh, and we also have another list on the go which is about a mile long of wedding stuff and DIY crap and I'm not going to put that on here becuase its boring.
I don't even know why I'm blogging I really should do some work.
Sunday, April 16, 2006
Big roast chicken
that is what i had for my tea just now. It was yum. Finally I get a chance to sit down and nibble on dairy milk in front of the telly. Its been a hellish couple of days.... purely the pressures of decorating and the fact that's its now less than 3 months until I get married. We sat down and made a to do list and it is very long and ridiculous. It didn't help that I was hungover this morning and Nick got me out of bed after 5 hours sleep (nb any less than 8 and I'm waspish to say the least). I was trying to get my shoes on and I had my hands full and stepped in a big puddle in my socks and ended up bursting into tears on the doorstep. How stupid. It all just seemed like a bit much. In then next 3 months we have to move house which is always hideous. I hate moving house. We've done it so much the last few years. Hmm. Anyway. i also ran out of paint and had a generally shitty day and I kept thinking that what with it being Easter Sunday most normal people are probably having nice sunday lunches and generally doing nice family stuff. So we finished at 4 and came home and I cooked a roast. I also did some housework which I haven't been able to do for ages. Seriously, the sheets hadn't been changed since we went to my friends wedding.
Went out last night just me & Rachel, one of her workmates hired the ground floor of Isobels. So we spent some time there then another girl was having a house party so we popped in for bit and then everyone at the party decided that Barbados was a good idea and the evening ended in there. My oh my the pole dancers are SO YOUNG in there, they look about 12. I feel old. I think I was a bit of a drunk twat again, dear me. I remember some strange guy trying to talk to me and I couldn't hear a thing he was saying and after he had repeated himself about 5 times I think I just tried to pat him on the head? Poor Rachel never drinks and always give me lifts home which is so nice of her.
There were some really weird noises about a few minutes ago and we went out to look and Molly was chatting up some big ginger tom cat and her tail had gone all massive and fluffed out.
Bob came round to see me yesterday and he brought for me a bunch of old family photos that my great aunt has posted to him. They are amazing there are even ones of my Gran when she was a baby. And theres lots of my gran & grandad when they were young and living over here. I love their 1940's outfits they looked so smart and proper.
We just watched episode 14 S2 of lost where Sayid gets all torturey. Its still soooooo good. Well its 10:15 and we have another early start tomorrow so I'm off to bed.
Went out last night just me & Rachel, one of her workmates hired the ground floor of Isobels. So we spent some time there then another girl was having a house party so we popped in for bit and then everyone at the party decided that Barbados was a good idea and the evening ended in there. My oh my the pole dancers are SO YOUNG in there, they look about 12. I feel old. I think I was a bit of a drunk twat again, dear me. I remember some strange guy trying to talk to me and I couldn't hear a thing he was saying and after he had repeated himself about 5 times I think I just tried to pat him on the head? Poor Rachel never drinks and always give me lifts home which is so nice of her.
There were some really weird noises about a few minutes ago and we went out to look and Molly was chatting up some big ginger tom cat and her tail had gone all massive and fluffed out.
Bob came round to see me yesterday and he brought for me a bunch of old family photos that my great aunt has posted to him. They are amazing there are even ones of my Gran when she was a baby. And theres lots of my gran & grandad when they were young and living over here. I love their 1940's outfits they looked so smart and proper.
We just watched episode 14 S2 of lost where Sayid gets all torturey. Its still soooooo good. Well its 10:15 and we have another early start tomorrow so I'm off to bed.
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Sunflowers, tennis and Kong
I planted some lovely lovely lovveeeerrrleeee sunflowers in my flower bed. I bought 5 different kinds and sowed them very haphazardly so it will be a surprise to see which ones grow. I went around the flat until quarter to 8 and did that, plus I gave two doors another coat of gloss and ate an entire large bag of Penn State pretzels. Honestly they're worse than pringles, why don't they sell small bags for gods sake? Before that I wombled my way around B&Q and went to the supermarket also.
Some Hooray Henry's were playing tennis behind my flat just now, a couple of balls had landed in my garden. It was all very rah rah rah. I felt very downtrodden in my painty rags with them all white and shiny looking. The shits.
Ooooh I watched Kong with Nick last night. It is a good 3 hours long, of unadulterated Big Screen Glory. I loved it. I've seen lots of films recently that I've really liked, such as the Constant Gardener but this one is really great, in a non stop rollercoaster big budget fandango sort of way.
Gah, Molly just walked across the laptop and blew a load of meat breath in my face. She's far too clever for a cat I know that she knows that I know what she's thinking but she plays it cool and dumb. Underneath she's an evil diva I tell you. A small evil diva I grant but one all the same.
Nick's just phoned and is staying at the flat tonight. I'm at home all nestled up on the sofa. (The flat we bought and are doing up is in the town centre, and although we haven't moved in yet we've got a bed round there and its very handy for sleeping over after a night out. The place we currently rent is in the north of the island, a bit far to walk home.) Nick's in town with Ben & Rew putting the world to rights no doubt. Bit of a boys night out, they all work in local news so will be talking about work and local politics all night, I havr no desire to join them. Ben & Rew are both leaving guernsey soon for media jobs in the UK, which is great for them but sucks muchly for us cos they're really good friends. I can't believe they're both leaving at the same time too. Nick is really going to miss them. I hope they both come back for the wedding cos I think we need to ask them to be ushers.
Some Hooray Henry's were playing tennis behind my flat just now, a couple of balls had landed in my garden. It was all very rah rah rah. I felt very downtrodden in my painty rags with them all white and shiny looking. The shits.
Ooooh I watched Kong with Nick last night. It is a good 3 hours long, of unadulterated Big Screen Glory. I loved it. I've seen lots of films recently that I've really liked, such as the Constant Gardener but this one is really great, in a non stop rollercoaster big budget fandango sort of way.
Gah, Molly just walked across the laptop and blew a load of meat breath in my face. She's far too clever for a cat I know that she knows that I know what she's thinking but she plays it cool and dumb. Underneath she's an evil diva I tell you. A small evil diva I grant but one all the same.
Nick's just phoned and is staying at the flat tonight. I'm at home all nestled up on the sofa. (The flat we bought and are doing up is in the town centre, and although we haven't moved in yet we've got a bed round there and its very handy for sleeping over after a night out. The place we currently rent is in the north of the island, a bit far to walk home.) Nick's in town with Ben & Rew putting the world to rights no doubt. Bit of a boys night out, they all work in local news so will be talking about work and local politics all night, I havr no desire to join them. Ben & Rew are both leaving guernsey soon for media jobs in the UK, which is great for them but sucks muchly for us cos they're really good friends. I can't believe they're both leaving at the same time too. Nick is really going to miss them. I hope they both come back for the wedding cos I think we need to ask them to be ushers.
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
my trousers are falling down
which means, that I need a belt.
Work is way way quieter today THANK GOD. Just one week of madness we had there. Oh good news, the gas leak at the flat turned out to be a very small thing. Nick had previously fitted the gas hob and had put an important thing on back to front or the wrong way round or something. So all it should cost is maybe a hundred quid or so for the guys time, which, if you think about it in the long run isn't much considering that we saved a lot of money by fitting the whole kitchen ourselves. (Nick's going to love how I say 'we' fitted it, but I was there so it counts, ha).
I have done a sort of twisty thing with the side bits of my hair which I copied from Rachel Weiss in the Constant Gardener, I think its pretty but no one has noticed. I might walk slowly past everyones desks in a minute.
So far today I've done one viewing and changed some property details and had to go to 2 advocates to sort out conditions of sale. And its nearly lunchtime. Tuna salad today plus a guy brought in a big bowl of fruit yesterday and there is a big lovely melon I might dig into.
I watched Bride & Prejudice last night. Nick kept tutting and muttering 'what the HELL are you making me watch' and I admit it was a terrific cheese fest and a half. But I was in the right mood for a cheesy musical with lots of Bollywood dancing. Sayid from Lost is in it and its SO FUNNY seeing him as a romantic lead after his serious haunted 'I am an Iraqi' character in Lost.
Work is way way quieter today THANK GOD. Just one week of madness we had there. Oh good news, the gas leak at the flat turned out to be a very small thing. Nick had previously fitted the gas hob and had put an important thing on back to front or the wrong way round or something. So all it should cost is maybe a hundred quid or so for the guys time, which, if you think about it in the long run isn't much considering that we saved a lot of money by fitting the whole kitchen ourselves. (Nick's going to love how I say 'we' fitted it, but I was there so it counts, ha).
I have done a sort of twisty thing with the side bits of my hair which I copied from Rachel Weiss in the Constant Gardener, I think its pretty but no one has noticed. I might walk slowly past everyones desks in a minute.
So far today I've done one viewing and changed some property details and had to go to 2 advocates to sort out conditions of sale. And its nearly lunchtime. Tuna salad today plus a guy brought in a big bowl of fruit yesterday and there is a big lovely melon I might dig into.
I watched Bride & Prejudice last night. Nick kept tutting and muttering 'what the HELL are you making me watch' and I admit it was a terrific cheese fest and a half. But I was in the right mood for a cheesy musical with lots of Bollywood dancing. Sayid from Lost is in it and its SO FUNNY seeing him as a romantic lead after his serious haunted 'I am an Iraqi' character in Lost.
Sunday, April 09, 2006
Found it. In a stack of CD cases in the bureau. Annoyingly I had forgotten moving them a few days ago, so all my fault. Narf.
Just watching last weeks Apprentice, but I've already seen the ending so I know the dippy bloke goes. Molly's stretched out next to me and she's been sick 3 times, once outside once on the carpet and once on the laminate. She doesn't like Kittykat!
Met the vicar, he was lovely. Didn't ask any religious type questions or anything like that. We stayed for about 2 hours and I made friends with his dog. And then spent a few hours looking around carpet shops which was profoundly boring and I now can tell you the difference between a synthetic and a wool mix. Hmmm that was time well spent.
And well, today, I learnt how to use silicone and I went all along the skirting boards making them look neat and tidy. I also planted some baby bay trees and did some general gardening and also gloss painted some woodwork. In case you care. I appreciate my blogging could be more interesting! Driving home a couple of goth girls were sitting by the road having a picnic and they waved at me which was nice.
I am now going to go and pick out the paint and soil from my cuticles, which will be very satisfying.
Just watching last weeks Apprentice, but I've already seen the ending so I know the dippy bloke goes. Molly's stretched out next to me and she's been sick 3 times, once outside once on the carpet and once on the laminate. She doesn't like Kittykat!
Met the vicar, he was lovely. Didn't ask any religious type questions or anything like that. We stayed for about 2 hours and I made friends with his dog. And then spent a few hours looking around carpet shops which was profoundly boring and I now can tell you the difference between a synthetic and a wool mix. Hmmm that was time well spent.
And well, today, I learnt how to use silicone and I went all along the skirting boards making them look neat and tidy. I also planted some baby bay trees and did some general gardening and also gloss painted some woodwork. In case you care. I appreciate my blogging could be more interesting! Driving home a couple of goth girls were sitting by the road having a picnic and they waved at me which was nice.
I am now going to go and pick out the paint and soil from my cuticles, which will be very satisfying.
Saturday, April 08, 2006
I am the Queen of the land of Stressington

Yes its been hellishly busy at work this week. Also a lot of stuff going on outside of work and all in all I've felt very up and down the last few days. Hence not blogging much becuase I only felt grotty and that wouldn't have made for very good reading...
The flat is still going on and on and I really am feeling sick of it now and want it finished desperately. We've just found out there is a gas leak so we have no gas at the moment and have to wait for a guy to come out on Monday to look at it, which will probaby cost another few hundred quid, and here's hoping that the leak is fixable and we don't have to undo all of our hard work in the kitchen behind which are the pipes. I think I actually would die if that happened.
On top of that my best friend from Winchester, Leni, has emailed me to say she can't afford to come to my wedding. That really sucks and if I could I would pay for her ticket but I can't afford it either. And I have a really strong suspicion that if Tiggy finds out Leni's not coming then she won't come either. We'll see.
Also, Nick's sister Holly can't come to my Hen night so I have to change the weekend and email everyone again about it but for the week before. I hope they can still all come. It's a bit annoying, not majorly but I could have done without it this week.
To top it all I've lost my Firefly DVD. I've turned the house upside down and inside out looking for it. I have the second, third and fourth discs but I've lost the first which I was half way through watching and I can't jump on to the next because I have to watch them in chronological order! This sucks.
I'm meeting that vicar in approximately 1 hours time as well so more stress. I'm not my normal self this week. I've been stressing at Nick as well, he went out on his own with Rew last night and I think he just wanted to get away from me. I can't blame him. I'm up and down like a hyperactive child on a trampoline at the moment. I did manage to have a nice night out on Wednesday at the Doghouse and Rachel came round to mine last night for TV and Ben & Jerry's was nice. So its not all doom & gloom. Just a lot of stuff that I have to deal with one thing at a time. Just why does it all come at once??????
Oh, I'm under ten stone again, just. 9, 11 and a half this morning. COME ONE body, shift that weight. 9 and a half stone would be good, 9 would be even better. Last night set me back a bit I know but I've been good all week, only 1 creme egg which was naughty and I ate it in secret in the upstairs office. MMmmmmmm.
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
More DIY, cats and movies
Now then now then lets rewind. Finally the phone has stopped ringing, DAMN people keep calling me up and wanting their houses/flats put on the market. It's all one big soup of houses in my head all mixed up into one. I forget so quickly where i have been and what I have seen.
Today I have to shop for ze boss man's bday present, which is tomorrow and as usual no one else gives a shit or wants to partake in the present shopping, its all down to moi. Actually I don't mind the shopping bit, but what are they all going to do when it's my bday in June???? Might have to get my own. My boss is a man in his 60's and is so hard to buy for and all he likes is dairy milk and wine gums so we're getting him some of those plus maybe a tie which i KNOW is boring but whatever,
I've been putting in evenings at the flat, gloss painting skirting and doors. I have a streak of paint on my tummy this morning which is strange, don't know how that quite got there.
At the weekend, which seems like a lifetime ago, its wednesday already, I went out on Friday night to Ben & Penny's, had a nasty hangover Sat which made that day of DIY a bit horrid. Sat night Nick had to work and I went to my cousins and watched the Constant Gardener OH WHAT an AMAZING film. Got home and intended to go to bed but Closer was starting on Sky and ended up watching that with Molly. An average film but lots of Clive Owen goodness mmmmm. Sunday, did more DIY DIY DIY then went round Rachels in the evening for haribo & Saw 2. So a weekend of lots of movies. Her fire alarm suddenly went off right at the nasty bit at the start of the film where the buy is trying to cut a key out of his eyeball... that was really good timing!
The other day we were watching TV with Molly on the sofa, its quite a big TV and there was a flock of birds flying around (it was that planet thing with David Attenborough btw) and she just went crazy, jumped off the sofa and ran at the TV and started miowing at it! I have never seen a cat do that before. She was so excited.
Today I have to shop for ze boss man's bday present, which is tomorrow and as usual no one else gives a shit or wants to partake in the present shopping, its all down to moi. Actually I don't mind the shopping bit, but what are they all going to do when it's my bday in June???? Might have to get my own. My boss is a man in his 60's and is so hard to buy for and all he likes is dairy milk and wine gums so we're getting him some of those plus maybe a tie which i KNOW is boring but whatever,
I've been putting in evenings at the flat, gloss painting skirting and doors. I have a streak of paint on my tummy this morning which is strange, don't know how that quite got there.
At the weekend, which seems like a lifetime ago, its wednesday already, I went out on Friday night to Ben & Penny's, had a nasty hangover Sat which made that day of DIY a bit horrid. Sat night Nick had to work and I went to my cousins and watched the Constant Gardener OH WHAT an AMAZING film. Got home and intended to go to bed but Closer was starting on Sky and ended up watching that with Molly. An average film but lots of Clive Owen goodness mmmmm. Sunday, did more DIY DIY DIY then went round Rachels in the evening for haribo & Saw 2. So a weekend of lots of movies. Her fire alarm suddenly went off right at the nasty bit at the start of the film where the buy is trying to cut a key out of his eyeball... that was really good timing!
The other day we were watching TV with Molly on the sofa, its quite a big TV and there was a flock of birds flying around (it was that planet thing with David Attenborough btw) and she just went crazy, jumped off the sofa and ran at the TV and started miowing at it! I have never seen a cat do that before. She was so excited.
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
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