Friday, April 21, 2006

Mc.Eachen Mc.Eachen Mc.Eachen

Thats my Dad's middle name. (Just once not 3 times obviously) I have only just learnt how to spell it, that's 26 years of not knowing my Dad's full name. How shocking. I was filling in a passport form and was suddenly stumped and had to phone him. He has his friends around for a curry night right now isn't that nice. I, on the other hand am sitting on my own watching American Idol because Nick's already gone to bed and I have a runny nose. I might watch a bit of this Tom Hanks film that's starting in a minute on Sky. Its turned into a bit of a Tom Hanks night cos I was watching the Burbs earlier while doing some ironing, such a classic film. Got to love Corey Feldman.

I wrote a full wedding to do list this morning and there were 33 things on it. That's do-able I reckon. I've been looking on ebay for fizzy ufo's because I couldn't find any in the supermarket. And hey, they are available so that's cool.

I got really freaked out last night when I was home alone. There was a scratchy weird noise outside my front door and I thought it was a werewolf/rapist and got really scared. Molly was all interested and was poised ready to pounce at the door and in the end I summoned the courage to unlock and open it and guess what? There was a sparow flying around my porch. Well, as you can imagine Molly was after it like a rocket but don't worry, it flew off. It was a bit strange though as it had to have been flying actually into the door by the noises it was making. SPOOKY.

Our friends invited us out on their speedboat on Sunday to go over to Sark for the day and we had to say no because we have so much to do! Doesn't that suck, oh well after July we'll be free as a bird to do lovely stuff like that.

Saw a lovely house today with a built in coffee machine and great big American style fridge in the kitchen. I would like a fridge with an ice dispenser but I guess seeing as I don't really drink coffee the coffee maching would be a waste. OOOh now a TEA machine, now you're talking. With a biscuit dispenser, dark chocolate mcvities.... that would do me fine. I'm looking forward to having a full size dishwasher in my new flat. That'g going to rock big time.

Argh, Molly just walked across my tummy and her paws are like icicles!! She says hello by the way, she loves the laptop it gets so lovely and warm.

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