Thursday, January 31, 2008

I am surrounded

by an aura of pregnancy, and fresh babies. It seems everywhere I turn these days friends and family are popping out heirs to the family silver.

Not that I mind, it is lovely. The girl I work with, who 3 weeks ago did not have any kind of a bump at all, now has suddenly sprouted a mini mountain and has announced that she is 5 1/2 months gone, rather than the 2 months she thought she was. Its like the baby was waiting, all scrunched up and hiding until the nurse discovered it and now it has relaxed and had a good stretch.

I had a good long chat to Leni & Dom last night and could hear wee Huckleberry gurgling in the background. Leni is a little trouper, and is persevering with the booby juice route but apparentely it is so painful it feels like crushed glass coming out. Stories like that horrify me. Isn't it all supposed to be easy and lovely and natural? Still, he's not even a week old yet and I'm sure it will get better. I am making young Huck a thing to hang on his wall, I hope they like it. It involves fuzzy felt and buttons and is taking hours. Molly was trying her best to foil its creation last night. Anyway, all of this is making me feel mildly clucky, but then I remember that I like getting drunk, smoking, sleeping late and eating junk food and I thank my lucky stars it's not my turn yet. I'm sure the time will come though but at present I am far too selfish.

I watched a really interesting film on Tuesday - Match Point. I would recommend you watch it, although try not to read about it first as it is nice not to know where it is going. I didn't know anything about it and was pleasantly surprised. It's a Woody Allen film, a recent one. I'm off to see Sweeney Todd tomorrow with Rachel, if we can get tickets. Looks ace, I love a bit of Tim Burton.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Katy & Jan's Wedding - 26 Jan 2008

These are Sinead's photos that I poached off facebook. We took lots of video but that's still on the camera at home. GREAT day.

Welcome to the World

My best friend has had a little baby boy, Huckleberry Reggie, I am over the moon. Congratulations Leni & Dom, although I know you will never read this! It's the thought that counts. What a sweet name though, I think it's awesome.

I've been toing and froing to the UK and back again, twice in a week which is a little excessive. Firstly the wedding weekend, which was just the best. I got to see my big sister & her husband, attend the wedding of the century and see my lovely in laws. I was back again yesterday just for the day and I got to go to Primark, result. I'm going to put some photos up of the wedding, but in another post. Hold on...

Thursday, January 24, 2008


I spent last night tugging dresses and jackets on and off and I know what I'm wearing on Saturday now and I have packed it ready for my flight tonight. It's an outfit I like to think of as 'old and trusty'. It's a green spotty dress and I have worn it to 2 other weddings but luckily noone from either of those 2 will be at this one. Result. I slathered on some smelly fake tan this morning to take the blue chill off my pins, so as I don't scare people.

Ah ye Gods of time, I cannot believe it is only 3:15. I am not allowed out of here until 4, which yes I know is good but I am having a dull old day. A little old lady phoned me up a minute ago looking for a 'little cottage' to rent and I was like, no my dear we don't have one but if we did I would GIVE you one as you are so lovely and sound like a proper Granny. So sweet. I do like dealing with the public, most of the time. They can be cute.

Right. Plan of action then at 4 is leave here - go to the bank - go home - shower - finish packing - feed cat - empty smelly kitchen bin - try to remember to water the plants - get my Dad to take me to the airport - get on plane - get to Southampton - have a lovely tea cooked by my amazing mother-in-law... and relax. Let's hope it all goes according to plan.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Gah. I'm feeling so bad and lazy, I haven't blogged for ages, January 2008 is my lamest month yet, by a long shot.

I am off to Southampton and Winchester this weekend for the wedding of the lovely Katy G and her Doctor Jan. My sister & brother in law will be around as well so I will hopefully have the chance to meet up for a meal with them while we're over. Then we're back to Gsy on Sunday. I still haven't decided what to wear to the wedding. It is hard, as it is cold outside, and a coat will be needed, but then again we will be spending most of the day inside either at the Church or at the Reception so I don't knooooooow. There's the trusty green spotty, but I'm feeling a bit chumba wumba for that, or the new sexy black sparkles, or I have a beige jacket/gold skirt combo that looks OK, but is maybe a tad too summery. BAH.

We had to give our cat a bath this week. Oh. My. God. You would have thought we were lowering her into an acme cat mincing machine as we put her into the tub. What a little diva. I ended up scatched to shit, and she was properly pissed off with us all night. She had come into the house stinking of poo and had obviously rolled in some or something, so it really really needed to be done. I felt cruel, and a horrbile person for doing it though, I can tell you. I put a hot water bottle in her catbed for her afterwards which kept her damp fur nice and warm anyway.

I am sad that the lovely, delectable, tortured Heath Ledger has died, that is really horrid news. His new Batman film is still coming out in the summer so that will be really weird, and it will probably do amazingly well and have a huge cult status, like the Crow did because Brandon Lee was shot during the filming.

Right. Well, houses to sell and all that. Laters...

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

What Ho

So what am I doing today? I am at work as usual, and have just come back to my desk following a mosey around town and then a quite tasty philadelphia roll. The bread was a bit stale so I put it in the microwave for a few seconds. . amazing how that always works. So far in the sales I have just bought two dresses, from Warehouse, one was £13.50 and the other was £14.99. God I love a bargain. One is a long satiny dark blue patterned halter neck maxi dress and the other is a black knee length evening dress that is like ruched satin with lots of silver beads around the neckline. Interested?? This blog is supposed to be the minutiae of my life you know.

The very sweet girl I work with has today announced that she is pregnant, which is lovely. She is a tiny thing, think Kylie-esque, with no meat on her bones at all and she is beginning to develop the faintest little pot belly. It's all very cute. My boss eyed me swiftly and asked if I was preggers as well, but I am not. I think he thought I would be the one to get up the spout first, but I know I still want to wait a while. There's no rush.

Since we got back to Guernsey I have been oh so lazy so there's not really much to tell you. Working.. shopping... hacking apart the Christmas tree and putting it into bin sacks... watching all the Christmas TV we recorded, that's about it really. I've been cooking a lot of fish - Guernsey skate, whiting, king prawns, nummy.

So while we were away, we caught up in Winchester with the lovely Katy G who is getting married in 2 1/2 weeks time. Can't wait for the wedding and incase you're wondering I am thinking the black spangly dress perhaps, with a silver bag and shoes. We met her and Jan for lunch at the Wykeham Arms, and also saw her family as we stopped for a cup of tea at their house later on. We also had a night out in Winchester, with my sister in law Holly and her friends who all work at the Hotel du Vin. It was a bit weird going for a night out there, to my old haunts from when I lived there when I was 18, but it was good fun, I just felt really old seeing the Art students doing what I used to do!

Southampton was mainly seeing Nick's family and chilling out, I had a cold and had to sleep for a couple of days there. We spent New Year's Eve in Steve's fantastic bachelor pad house that is the coolest house, complete with pool tables, funky disco lighting and fireworks. I borrowed a brown suede minidress from Nick's Mum that I wore with some hideously flower power trousers and a headband. Nick went as a 1970's cowboy cop, I'm not really sure what he was supposed to be.

Swansea was just lovely, I really enjoyed spending time with my 5 1/2 month old nephews. They were farting, pooing, burping, laughing, little things and I wish we could have spent longer with them. So cute, and also so identical, although you can tell them apart as Ro is bigger than Ralphie at the moment. Suzi & Simon were well, and now their house is finally finished (they built it from scratch) they have a gorgeous home to bring up the boys in.

We only spent one night in Kennerleigh, Devon, as Nick was quite ill and had to sleep, so we didn't go to the House of Marbles, we will have to save that for next time.

All in all, I ate far too much food and spent far too much money over Christmas, but I think that's what it's all about eh.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

2008, Don't be Late

It's the New Year, on a Plate.
What's the problem mate?
Don't ya like my rhyming slate?

Inspired by Bret & Jemaine.

Hullo, how are you? I am fine. I am back in the isle of pies, eating lots of the mince variety. I flew back in sunny skies yesterday, on my lonesome, and spent the afternoon baking mincepies, jam tarts, mowing the lawn, dusting, hoovering and also sorting out my makeup/accessories drawer. (The sorting alone took about an hour, terrible isn't it. I'm such a hoarder.) So I'm back at work today, keeping busy! I spent last night eating my homemade treats and watching schmaltzy waltzy lovely Jane Austin scrumptiousness on the telly.

My Christmas travels went fairly smoothly, apart from nearly being weed on by a tomcat and picking up a virulent cold. My wee nephews are totally ADORABLE and I want to eat them up, om nom nom. We took loads of video, which I am not clever enough to put on the internet, but if my husband gets around to putting it online I will link to it later on.

So what presents did everyone get? I got some good, some interesting. Was especially 'interested' in the grand piano shaped CD player that Maggie got us. Hmmmm! Mustn't be rude. My favourite was a lovely most gorgeous Chloe handbag from my dearest. He knows how to please his little wifey.