Thursday, January 31, 2008

I am surrounded

by an aura of pregnancy, and fresh babies. It seems everywhere I turn these days friends and family are popping out heirs to the family silver.

Not that I mind, it is lovely. The girl I work with, who 3 weeks ago did not have any kind of a bump at all, now has suddenly sprouted a mini mountain and has announced that she is 5 1/2 months gone, rather than the 2 months she thought she was. Its like the baby was waiting, all scrunched up and hiding until the nurse discovered it and now it has relaxed and had a good stretch.

I had a good long chat to Leni & Dom last night and could hear wee Huckleberry gurgling in the background. Leni is a little trouper, and is persevering with the booby juice route but apparentely it is so painful it feels like crushed glass coming out. Stories like that horrify me. Isn't it all supposed to be easy and lovely and natural? Still, he's not even a week old yet and I'm sure it will get better. I am making young Huck a thing to hang on his wall, I hope they like it. It involves fuzzy felt and buttons and is taking hours. Molly was trying her best to foil its creation last night. Anyway, all of this is making me feel mildly clucky, but then I remember that I like getting drunk, smoking, sleeping late and eating junk food and I thank my lucky stars it's not my turn yet. I'm sure the time will come though but at present I am far too selfish.

I watched a really interesting film on Tuesday - Match Point. I would recommend you watch it, although try not to read about it first as it is nice not to know where it is going. I didn't know anything about it and was pleasantly surprised. It's a Woody Allen film, a recent one. I'm off to see Sweeney Todd tomorrow with Rachel, if we can get tickets. Looks ace, I love a bit of Tim Burton.

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