Saturday, March 31, 2007

Vodka and Whisky and Gin - Oh My

(I imagined that said like in the Wizard of Oz, lions and tigers and bears...)

So as usual I am spending a Saturday morning feeling a bit wan and pasty, sat at work with a twitchy eye caused by a hangover. My right temple is gently pulsing and if I'm honest I probably shouldn't be staring at a computer screen. I will make a conscious effort to sit back in my chair like a lady rather than hunch over it like Quasimodo, and keep my tired little eyes further away from the monitor.

We were in the Swan last night, Rachel & I, then Sue, Laurie, Tinny, Fiona and Toki turned up so that was good. I hadn't been out since Nick left really, unless you count the cinema the other night. It was nice, quite a chilled out night, not too busy as the weather was a bit windy and crappy so most sensible folk stayed in I'm sure. As people left and the bar thinned out the barman was just giving us top-ups and I ended up drinking more whisky than was probably good for me. But it was Jamesons so how I could I say no? It really is the best whisky in the world.

I am very happy because Nick just phoned me from his hotel room in Shanghai. I am seeing him in 5 days! It was lovely to have a proper conversation and catch up, we hadn't really had a chance beforehand. He is fine, I think it is all quite tiring for him, he's done about 6 internal flights in China and has such a hectic itinery. He will probably sleep for a whole day when he gets back.

Well I have a lot to do today and I'm off bowling this evening for Tinny's birthday. I must find the time to watch a bit of the Big Lebowski before I go, for inspiration!!

I also have to make a card for Bob & Miles, who are getting married next weekend in Durham. I have great plans with glitter and glue. I also have several chores which are boring so I won't list them here. You will fall asleep!

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

A sphincter says what?

I slept soooo well last night, which was lovely, as I haven't the last few. I'm pretty sure it's because I tired myself out at the gym after work yesterday. I am going to try and go again tonight, its got to be good for me. I'm supposed to be going for a run this weekend with one of my friends and she's a bit more of a hardcore runner than me so I want to at least be able to keep up!

So I am still surviving without Nick around, it is a week and a half now he has been gone, and I will be seeing him in Southampton a week tomorrow! We have had just really brief phone conversations as it costs a bomb to call from China. I've seen a lot of my mates, and also my Dad who popped into my work this morning. I had ordered him some more James Bond comics off Amazon, he is really getting into them.

Its been a gorgeous few days here in Guernsey, with lovely evening warm sunshine. I mowed the lawn and tidyed up our garden on Monday while being watched over by this noisy little robin that always swoops down to where I have been working to inspect my handiwork. I carefully mowed around the bottom of the fuschia, which is where Molly deposits her turds unfortunately. Must train her out of that now summer is approaching and I will actually be using the garden. It can get a bit stinky. Oh, the joys of having a cat. I went to a house this morning and one of the cats was diabetic and it was so sweet, I felt so sorry for it. It was just sat on the bed looking really miserable. Pets always always distract me terribly on appointments, they can be so funny. When they follow you around staring at you because you are a stranger in their house always cracks me up. I often want to bring them home with me but I don't think Molly would allow it.

Monday, March 26, 2007

300 and Knitting

I survived a weekend toute seule! It was quite an experience. I saw a few people though so I wasn't a complete and utter hermit.

Yesterday I was taught how to knit by Maggie. Knitting is great. Although it is also quite time consuming, slow-progressing and frustrating. I spent a good couple of hours attempting a scarf and all I had to show for it was a couple of inches worth. I intend to get faster with practise, as at this rate it will take me a decade to finish it.

I also went to see the film '300' last night with Rachel. It has a giant rhinocerous!! And also some elephants that are as large as double decker buses. I'm glad I didn't live in Ancient times if that was the norm. But seriously, it was an excellent film, I love love loved it. It was right up my street! It really reminded me of several David Gemmell books that I have read.

I also forgot that the clocks went forward and didn't show up on time to meet my Dad for lunch, I am such a div. He phoned me wondering where the hell I was at 12:30 and I had only just had breakfast so completely wasn't hungry. Luckily I somehow managed to put away a 4 course lunch including roast beef with yorkshire pudding and sticky toffee pudding, It was a real effort!! Phew.

Nick's in Chongmei, he is heading off down the Yahtzee river on a 3 day cruise and he just emailed me, there is a long update on his myspace you can read if you click here and go to his blog. It is verr verrr good.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Blah Blah

It's so hard thinking of 'titles' of blog entries, and coming up with something different every time. Hence the blah.

So. what has happened and is going to be happening this week? Well, I've spent the week being utterly LAZY. I have eaten lots of carbs and watched lots of telly in the evenings with Molly curled up on my lap. I have been getting into Heroes on Sci Fi, it is reeeeeeeeally really good, and I also tried to watch 'Alexander' but gave up, it was absolute pap. I watched half of a film called 'The United States of Leland' last night which was quite good but clashed with 'House' on 5 which I am also getting into. So a serious week of doing nothing productive. I did hoover and dust the house on Tuesday night I guess.

Nick has been phoning me with updates from China, he is loving it out there. He's in Xi'an at the moment to see the Terracotta Warriors. He's also done the Great Wall but it was misty, seen some proper Kung-fu fighting and been to the Forbidden City. I think the next stop is Shanghai.

Rachel is coming round tonight, we're going to watch Firefly. We are such geeks. I really want to go and see 300 next week, I trust she will be up for it. I am morphing into a big geek. I even made a 'listomania' on Amazon today! Work was really busy the last couple of day but today has been really quiet, hence the blog, and the listomania. Too much time on my hands, and free internet at work = bad Sam.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Welcome Pip & Pop

The top one is the right hand twin, the bottom one the left hand one. These two blurry images come directly to you from the tummy of my sister Suzi. Apparentely the top one shows one twin curled into a ball with the other flat out on top of it - I find it quite hard to make out!! The bottom one is much clearer. This is at about 15 weeks.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Nicks gone away now

He left this morning to Jersey, then London this afternoon and tomorrow to China.

So I have been shopping. I bought white wine, pasta, pizza, chilli's, sea food, green & blacks dark 70% chocolate, and a host of other naughty things. I plan to gorge myself tonight and watch girlie shit on the television. I have several episodes of Heroes, plus Lost, Ugly Betty and quite a few films recorded on Sky+. Who needs men eh!!

Only kidding. I feel a bit sad and a bit wobbly about it, I am relying on Molly to keep me on my toes. I will see him in three weeks when we meet up in Southampton and then we will be having a jolly old time. We have Bob & Miles' wedding in Durham Easter weekend, then we're off on a road trip around the UK and then to Holland the week after.

I sincerely hope I don't have any trouble with the telly, internet, boiler or my car while he is away. I am such a technophobe.

A fairly quite weekend, we stayed in and just spent time together. Nick bought a PSP on Saturday so lots of fun was had figuring that out. I bought Loco Roco which is the best game in the world!! Click on the link for a sneaky demo. I also bought Princess Mononoke on DVD which I am very excited about watching over the next few days.

I have a couple of late viewings at flats tonight. Can't wait for this working day to be over so I can get home and begin my binge!!

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Chasing the Duclod Man

This is fascinating stuff. Weird and freaky, I grant you, and a strangely compelling story.

Thursday, March 15, 2007


I had some spare time on my hands this morning, and as as my lovely husband is off to China for 3 weeks on Monday, I decided to invest my time in preparing a 'handbag attack plan'.

I carefully chose several specimens of gorgeousness off the internet and compiled them in to an easy-to-navigate guide as to what I would like best, then printed it off on an A4 sheet so he can take it with him. It's supposed to be a great place for knock-offs you see and I have high hopes that he may comes back with something scrumptious for me, like a Chloe Betty.

It was when I proudly showed my efforts to my colleague and she looked up at me as if I were insane that I realised not all men would be willing to do that. And I might be the slightest bit obsessed in a not-good way about bags. It's true, I don't need a new one, I have one amazing one that I just take everywhere and several cheap/fun ones for special occasions. The thing is, I don't expect anything but if he gets there and is swamped by cheap gorgeous bags I want him to be prepared! Is that so wrong?

I spent my lunch hour feeling hot as I wore my big coat and it is a very warm sunny day. I got some library books out on China for Nick then went and tried on shoes for a wedding I'm going to oop north in April. I found the perfect pair that would go but as soon as I stood up in them they cut into my big toes like razors. Damn shoes.

We're off on holiday for 2 weeks in April, for one week touring around the UK then the second to spend with our friend Katy in Holland. It will be my fifth visit to Holland, but the first where I will have ventured further afield than the smoking dens of Amsterdam, heh heh. OK I did manage a few Art galleries the first time, and a canal boat cruise, but I'm British and it's an obligation to my Country to go there, get stoned and act like a dribbling moron, isn't it?

And another thing, has anyone heard of a Mexican Hat Spider? In my dream the other night it existed and it was a big fluffy black and white tarantula that looked him a Mexican hat when it curled its legs up underneath it. It was such a detailed dream that I can't believe I made it up entirely!!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Je Suis un Bichon Frise

I have such frizzy hair!! Woe is me!

Hello folks, I am back at work sat at my desk in the window, enjoying the noisy vans trundling past and the patchy bit of sunlight that is making it down between the buildings to my little spot.

I have been away! I have had a great few days. It was my Dad's 60th birthday on Saturday 10th, so we surprised him with a trip to London and a grand day out.

My big sis came down from Swansea with her husband and her bump!! Yes she has a bump already! Not surprising really, as she's having TWINS!!!!!

We flew over on Thurs to Southampton and spent Friday with Nick's Mum, as it was her birthday as well. Went for a walk around the New Forest and had lunch in Southampton at the Pitcher & Piano. On Sat morning we drove into London to the Docklands where our hotel was. It had great views over the Thames towards the Gherkin and Tower Bridge.

Sat afternoon 8 of us went to the matinee showing of ** Spamalot ** which was SOOOOOOOO Funny! I was weeping a lot. I love Monty Python. We booked two boxes so felt very posh. After that we had a drink in a very funky bar, it was happy hour, and then we had a table booked in Clos Maggiores, a very nice French restaurant in Covent Garden. That was followed by cake and champers back at the hotel. I think my Dad had a lovely day.

On Sunday morning we went up the London Eye, pretty much what you expect actually. Its very high up and there are good views. The queue is pretty bad, about an hour but then that was at a weekend and on a sunny day. We drove back after that and managed to hit the 6 Nations rugby traffic at Twickenham, which basically was like driving through a parade. After big delays we headed back to Southampton and chilled out.

Monday, drove to Bournemouth, bought a pretty dress at House of Fraser then flew back to Guernsey in the evening. So it was all a pretty perfect weekend and I'm sorry to ram it down your throats if you had a shit one. Now its Wednesday already and I am on a diet. I ate so much rich food the last few days and I feel really disgusting.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Buy this Album, it's so cute.

I bought this on Saturday, it is so very jolly and fun. See I have resorted to advertising on my blog! I am not getting paid though which seems unfair.

I watched a really quite BORING film last night that I thought was going to be good. Walk the Line? It's about Johnny Cash. The songs in it are good and Joaquin Phoenix is, of course, delightful to behold but the film itself didn't really float my boat.

My hair is mega fluffy, despite anti-fluffing measures I performed this morning. Damn hair.

I spent this morning trying to think of different adjectives to use to describe houses. I always stick to the same ones and I need to expand my vocab. Ones I always resort to include:

comfortable, attractive, spacious, well presented, delightful, cosy, character, beautiful, well kept

(of course what I REALLY want to say is poky, smells of cabbage, dank, dirty, falling down etc but that would get me fired, ha ha)...

Oh well I have to go into town now, its my lunch hour and I have a meeting at my bank. I think they want to try some sales tactics on me which I shall politely decline.

Monday, March 05, 2007

The 10 Steps to Happiness

  1. Plant something and nurture it
  2. Count your blessings - at least five - at the end of each day
  3. Take time to talk - have an hour-long conversation with a loved one each week
  4. Phone a friend whom you have not spoken to for a while and arrange to meet up
  5. Give yourself a treat every day and take the time to really enjoy it
  6. Have a good laugh at least once a day
  7. Get physical - exercise for half an hour three times a week
  8. Smile at and/or say hello to a stranger at least once each day
  9. Cut your TV viewing by half
  10. Spread some kindness - do a good turn for someone every day

This is according to the BBC, who have recently conducted a 3 month experiment in a village where scientists attempted various methods to improve the happiness of the population. Lovely!

I went to the gym twice at the weekend, and also had my hair done. It is quite a bit shorter, and also quite blonde. Nick had his friend Rew to stay and we went out on Friday which resulted in one of the worst hangovers I've had for a long time. Am definitely getting old. I had to stay in and sip water on Saturday night.

Only a four day week for me this week! Off doing something secret for my Dad's birthday that I can't write here incase he becomes computer literate over night! I know, it's highly unlikely but you never know.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Honeymoon Pictures

Thought I might as well put some pics up on here, they are already on my myspace but I never got aroiund to putting them on my blog! This was last summer. I never got around to telling my whole honeymoon story which was very lame of me. There is a video but I don't think it's on youtube yet.