Friday, March 23, 2007

Blah Blah

It's so hard thinking of 'titles' of blog entries, and coming up with something different every time. Hence the blah.

So. what has happened and is going to be happening this week? Well, I've spent the week being utterly LAZY. I have eaten lots of carbs and watched lots of telly in the evenings with Molly curled up on my lap. I have been getting into Heroes on Sci Fi, it is reeeeeeeeally really good, and I also tried to watch 'Alexander' but gave up, it was absolute pap. I watched half of a film called 'The United States of Leland' last night which was quite good but clashed with 'House' on 5 which I am also getting into. So a serious week of doing nothing productive. I did hoover and dust the house on Tuesday night I guess.

Nick has been phoning me with updates from China, he is loving it out there. He's in Xi'an at the moment to see the Terracotta Warriors. He's also done the Great Wall but it was misty, seen some proper Kung-fu fighting and been to the Forbidden City. I think the next stop is Shanghai.

Rachel is coming round tonight, we're going to watch Firefly. We are such geeks. I really want to go and see 300 next week, I trust she will be up for it. I am morphing into a big geek. I even made a 'listomania' on Amazon today! Work was really busy the last couple of day but today has been really quiet, hence the blog, and the listomania. Too much time on my hands, and free internet at work = bad Sam.

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