Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Rashy rashy rash rash

Well then!

Since the last post on Saturday I first went to Boots & spoke to the pharmacist. He gave me tablets and cream which I duly took & applied to no avail. In fact, the rash spread & the next day it covered my hands & fingers.

So I relented to family pressure and on monday morning went to see my doc. He said it was a "severe allergic reaction" to something, gave me strong antihistamine tablets that make you drowsy and an oily liquid you put in the bath that soothes the itchyness. He also signed me off work for the entire week, bless him! He said as well as me being very uncomfortable my colleagues would think I was contagious.

I have been sat at home trying not to scratch since then. My face looks like it has a bad attack of acne and so does my body. Yesterday it spread to my feet, but today it doesn't itch as much and my face is almost back to normal! I have been watching lots of daytime TV and Buffy, and have read loads of LOTR. I called work this morning & said I'll come back tomorrow as my boss made it plain that I'm needed back there. Nick has been looking at me with a weird mixture of sympathy & horror, and keeps muttering about wanting his old girlfriend back. Well, I think I am finally on the mend!

Today I think I'll start writing Christmas cards. How well organised!! It is quite unheard of but I can't really leave the house and I don't have anything better to do.

Hopefully I'll be fully normal by this weekend as I have to wear an almost backless evening dress to a posh do in Jersey and at the moment my back is horrendous. But I missed both parties last Saturday which I was gutted about so I have to go to this one! Otherwise I think I'll be depressed for the whole holiday season.

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Evil rash is taking over ...

No way.

I woke up this morning and the rash had progressed to me FACE. it look like I have a bad attack of acne on my forehead, cheeks, ears and around the back of my neck. It, of course, is also still covering the rest of my body too, it goes as far down as my shins. It is even on my hands. I look like a LEPER!

I wanted to sneak off into town to a pharmacy but the guy I work with didn't come in on time, instead he went to the supermarket. And now he's got back to back viewings all morning so I have to stay put here in the office and try to resist the urge to scratch. I am going to go buy some calamine lotion and cover myself from head to toe. Nick gave me a Piriton antihistamine tablet this morning which he takes for his hayfever so we will see if that works. I am having to wear a high collared shirt as my chest looks completely disgusting. It is worse where I scratch it, there are big red weals.

Anyhoo! Sorry to disgust you, although if you REALLY want to be grossed out visit this site:
It is a video of a man having the biggest boil in the world popped on his back. I was dry heaving while I watched it and couldn't actually watch it to the end. Enjoy! I did warn you. It makes me feel better cos he's got it way worse than me!

PS I have changed the comments settings on here so now I think anyone can comment, not just people who have blogs.

PPS It was as hideous as expected having to go round the flat and do DIY last night. We got home at about 9:00 which wasn't too too bad. Wasted about 20 minutes though becuase I was trying to hoover up a dusty patch and I sucked up a VERY important screw that came from the radiator. We had to then empty the whole hoover bag all over the floor and sift through the cack until we found it. Nice one Sam!

Friday, November 25, 2005

Weird Rash

Woke up this morning and something is going on with my skin, I itch all over. I haven't changed any of my shampoos or anything. The only thing I can think of that may have caused it is that Nick woke up at 6:00 and switched the fan heater on full blast in the bedroom and I was subsequently cooked under the duvet until my alarm went off at 7:30, so it might be a kind of heat rash. Urrrgh! It's in my hair and everything.

I ended up last night cooking chicken in low fat honey/mustard sauce (just out of a jar) with boiled then sauted garlic and pesto new potatoes. It was tasty and easy to do, I might do it again. Went to bed really early, just after 10:00, and read some more LOTR. Aragorn etc are chasing Merry & Pippin across Rohan and have just met the riders. Nick has just started the Order of the Phoenix.

I have already sold 2 houses this morning, how lovely now my boss will hopefully lay off for a week or so. And I made him a lovely filtered cup of coffee. Obviously if he catches me doing this it may undo this good work.

More later, Bye!

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Are these a bit fashion victim-y?

Honestly please help because I can't decide. I think that they are but I am strangely drawn to them....

Shopaholic Anonymous

I bought another top yesterday in my lunch hour - someone stop me! I can't afford this ridiculous spending binge. I have been browsing Ebay, Amazon, and ASOS as well in my spare time. I have my eye on some boots on ebay that are currently at £20 and end at 6:00 tonight so I may well chuck in a bid. Oh stop stop stop stop stop.

Another wintery rainy nasty day. It's not as cold by half here in Guernsey as it is in the UK though so hurrah for that. I put up my umbrella to walk into town and discovered a massive bird shit on it, but get this, on the inside! ??? How ??? Bumped into Vicky & SJ in town at lunch as well, you always see someone you know here when you walk down the High St! Well, New Look changing rooms to be precise.

I weighed Mols last night - 8.5 lb. She is getting bigger everyday. She threw up all of her breakfast this morning all over the carpet though. The little bullimic attention seeker.

I think I'm going to go home tonight and cook up a nice quorn spag bol, do some ironing and catch up on last nights Lost. Don't be too excited by my thrilling life! I might even defrost some garlic bread, yums.

Tomorrow I am dreading after work. Nick is going to make me do DIY. We have to prime the flooring before we lay the tiles on Saturday and it takes overnight for this stuff to dry. But we'll have to shift the fridge/freezer and the rest of the clutter from that room first. *sigh*.

Oh! Saturday night there are 2 parties going on, a rarity!! So I have to choose which one to go to first, bearing in mind I'll drive than ditch my car at the second one and get drunk. I can wear a new outfit too! Joy and fun and woo and yay.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Southampton weekend

Back to work! Except there's no work to do really. The office has been dead quiet while I've been away it turns out so there is pretty much nothing to catch up on. I may have to resort to photocopying in an effort to keep busy. It is taking me an age to type this because I have some falsie nails on today - hurrah! My hands look so pretty.

We flew of to Soton last Wednesday and just got back last night to a very cold house (we have no central heating where we rent). It was loverly to see Molly, she was so excited, she miowed herself hoarse.

The objective of the trip was to find and buy bridesmaids dresses for my sister and Nick's sister. On Saturday we went to every bridal type shop in the city and only found 2 dresses that we all agreed on. The shops are shit! They are full of really dated rubbish. And those 2 dresses were the best of a bad bunch basically so I don't want to buy them. I couldn't believe what crap was in those shops. And both our sisters are fairly easy to dress as well, they're not fat or big titted or anything they are just normal looking, both tall, but anyway enough of that.

I shopped quite a bit*, (*nb - understatement). I came back with:

1 blue crochet jumper from Warehouse. It has bobbles.
2 pairs skinny black trousers from Topshop. 1 denim, 1 plain cotton.
1 evening dress from TKMaxx, originally Morgan. Dark brown and long and flattering
2 Pairs knee high boots, 1 black, 1 dark brown. (Hurrah! Been looking for ages then 2 come along at once.)
1 Pair silver stillettos, they go with the Morgan dress.
1 furry white jacket from Monsoon, to wear to Catherine's wedding on top of my bridesmaid dress.
Some fluffy flower brooches/hairgrips from H&M. I always get my accessories from there if I can - so cheap and lovely.

I also borrowed from Nick's Mum her BEAUTIFUL white fur stole which is from La Perla and is so soft and lovely. I have never worn real fur before but I so eat meat, I'm not veggie or anything so I guess its no worse than wearing leather shoes. I hope nobody chucks a glass of red wine on it or I get drunk and fag burn it. I am having a few qualms about borrowing it but it looks great with the dress so what the hey. It was really nice of her to lend it to me.

I also went to see Goblet of Fire in a proper cinema, the Harbour Lights which is an independant one down at Ocean Village. It lived up to expectations apart from Voldemort wasn't scary enough I'm afraid to say.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Just found this photo

This was me last December in Grand Central Station.

It was fricking freezing Mr Bigglesworth. Nick and I had just got engaged in Central Park, God was it really only a year ago??

Yippee Ki Yay

Just a quick one today, lots of viewings and lots of houses to sell sell sell. Well maybe not.

My boss made a slightly off comment yesterday that I hadn't sold anything in a while. I politely reminded him that I had just made him £14,000 two weeks earlier by selling a very expensive house (which I received not one penny of BTW!) which shut him up.

I'm leaving work early and then am off to Southampton on 6:30 flight. I'm not back until Monday so probably no blogs between now and then. I'll be busy inhaling the delights of beautiful Soton. Well maybe not beautiful. Big and grey and car-fumy maybe. But Nick's parents live in a nice part which is all posh cars and leafy avenues so it should be lovely. Also my big sis is driving down from Bath with her husband to join us and some friends from London may be in Soton as well this weekend in which case it will be a right old reunion.

I'm tempted to get duty free fags but I'm supposed to be giving up New Years Eve so its probably better not to get any. I've got loads to smoke anyway at home. I'l get some more whisky though as I'm ploughing my way through it at home.

Oh and I finished that book I was telling you about - it really is an amazing book. I might buy it as Xmas presents for people and force them to read it too.

I hate the cold, I am having to wear gloves already and I have chilblains one one toe and one finger ALREADY! Damn my circulation. And its only going to get worse. Winter is my own private hell.

See you soon

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

That Scottish Play

I watched the remake of Macbeth on telly last night, it is a really sucky and depressing story. I liked that the 3 witches were bin men though, that was the only good bit. As I don't know the original play, I can only surmise that basically everyone dies. All the main characters, one by one, starting with Macbeth.

Nick gave up half way through and went to bed to read Goblet of Fire. He has to finish it before he sees the film you see. And as we're in Southampton this weekend we can go see it at a PROPER cinema! Woo!

I stayed up late reading in bed this most amazing book. It's a true story of a young Jewish girl in the Second World War. She is a German Jew and is smuggled to Belgium when her parents are taken away by the Nazis to concentration camp. So there she is, about 6 years old and no one has explained to her what's going on. She's lumbered with this really evil woman who bullies her and steals all her stuff. All she knows is that her parents have been taken away to the 'East'. So she sets out with a compass and tries to find them by herself. She then wanders for several years throughout Europe, going to several different countries and becoming almost totally wild, surviving by stealing food where she can and eating things like worms, tree bark and grass. Also she is taken in by a pack of wolves. The books called 'Surviving with Wolves' and its written by the woman, Mishka. I'd definitely recommend it.

I cooked a nice sweet chilli noodle chicken thing last night and then finished off a load of popcorn. Honestly this blog is totally turning into a food diary. I guess I am a bit of a foodie. I will try to lose a few pounds before my mates wedding in Feb 06 so actually it helps to list what I've eaten so I can look back in shame at my gluttony and try to be healthier. The dress has to fit! I can't be blubbing out over the top of it with big fat arms.

Monday, November 14, 2005

A lovely lovely weekend

I am not even slightly sad that it is Monday because I am only working a 3 day week, and I also have Monday off next week. So in my mind it is already Wednesday!

I went out for a meal on Friday night with all my guys from work at an Italian restaurant and ate Calamari with olive oil, garlic and chilli. It was gorgeous. And I got drunk on champagne and then wine and whisky which was nice. Also discovered the pleasures of vanilla ice cream with crem du menthe poured on top - very refreshing.

Saturday was a fun day too, with lots of girly shopping. Found me a nice bridesmaids dress for Cat's Feb 2006 wedding which is long and straight blue with a bodice top and is very pretty. The material is kind of shimmery. Then lunch at All in Black and out again in the evening to town with Catherine for drinks. I had a mohjito cocktail (is that how you spell it?) at Laskas which was beautiful. Those and pina coladas are the best cocktails in the world.

And then on Sunday afternoon I had a nice lazy coffee at Christies with Susan, Rachel & Catherine which was cool because we all went to school together and hadn't met up in years. There were loads of drunken sailors in there who came and sat down with us, I think that was kind of my fault for encouraging them by talking to them about Remembrance Sunday. I must not be nice to drunk sailors. Then home for a roast chicken, TV and bed.

What a perfect weekend! I haven't had one like that in ages because we're been so up to our ears in DIY dust and filth. I actually managed a lie-in on Sunday as well.

I have also just booked Molly into a cattery over Christmas so she is going to have a nice break in a posh hotel as well. She is so friendly and ridiculous I'm sure she'll have a ball. Anyway she's had enough owners she knows how to adapt to new situations. I've never used a cattery before, this is all new territory but I guess I have to take her vets records along so they can check she doesn't have cat pox or something.

Friday, November 11, 2005

Humour Me

How cute.
Just found this on the internet. Do you think I should knit one for Molly?

Thursday, November 10, 2005

A sad story

Last night I was driving along the common when in the headlights I saw a rabbit in the middle of the road. It had obviously just been run over.

At the side of the road was another fluffy rabbit which seemed to be looking at it mournfully.

How stupidly sad! I actually had a tear in my eye as I imagined the little baby rabbits back home in the burrow asking their Daddy where Mummy had gone. It was all very Watership Down.

Hoover Anger

I broke my vacuum cleaner last night whilst in a hoovering frenzy. The fucking thing. Also to make matters worse I had just shaken out the fake sheepskin rug onto the carpet so there were bits of crap everywhere. Nick thinks we can order the head part (which is the bit I snapped) for about £32. It is a Henry hoover.

Annoying though as I was trying to actually do housework. And now I have another bill to pay.

Actually I have to rescind slightly as it has been an exceptionally good hoover up until this point. Touch wood. I was being quite violent with it.

I had to give the beamer back this morning. I got quite attached to it as I drove it last night (without stalling, I hasten to add. Nick couldn't believe I'd stalled it as it is diesel. I can stall anything, even my old automatic Clio once!) and it was lovely. In the dark there are little lights under each door handle so you can see to open it in the dark - genius! Apparentely the Smart needs its break discs sorting ASAP so it's going back in again Tuesday week.

Feeling quite tired as went out for this meal (v nice: smoked chicken pate with mango sauce, beef bourginan (sp?) and rum & nutmeg panna cotta, mmmmm,) then home and got hooked on the latest installment of Lost on E4 so was after midnight before bed. Its this Bon Jovi thing tonight I said I'd go to, not sure if I'm going to be able to hold out for the whole night, unless it absolutely rocks and I don't have to drive. Am tempted to pull out but I think I've done that one time too many recently.

Another bad thing is that I've pulled a big thread in my nice work trousers on a carpet tack while on a viewing. This house needs serious TLC and is full of dry rot, wet rot, any kind of rot you can think of actually and I was trying to be careful not to touch anything apart from what was absolutely necessary (door handles and light switches) but I guess I wasn't looking down enough.

I'm about half way through Silk, by Caitlin Kiernan. I'm still waiting for something to happen but I'm not sure if its one of those books that just mosees along and then ends suddenly. I hope not. It is quite good if a bit depressing to read. The general message of it so far seems to be:
1) goths are cool
2) anyone who's not a goth is either a boring office worker, a neglecting parent or a redneck thug.
It does suck you in though which is what you want out of a good book. I reserve judgement until the end!

More later, if I have time.


Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Fur Balls

My cat decided to evacuate her stomach onto my nice cream carpet when I got home from work yesterday. Luckily it was still fresh and warm when I walked in through the door so I scooped it up and into the bin without too much fuss. Every now and then she goes off her food for a few days before puking up a sluggy furball about the size of the end of my thumb. And she is so tiny! Its hard to imagine how there's room for that in her little tummy. But that always seems to clear her out and she eats better afterwards.

My work car is being serviced today and the garage has given me a massive BMW as a replacement car. It is the most ridiculous car with sensors everywhere and pop out cup holders. Every time I touch anything it beeps at me. And I managed to stall it while turning right on a busy road which nicely held up the traffic. It is quite cool to be driving it though, I feel like a big executive.

Well, am off out to the Fleur du Jardin tonight which is a lovely olde worlde pub with really nice wholesome food. Their tennerfest menu looks good.

LOTR update: just finished book 1. And Boromir is about to cop it.

There was a story in the Sunday Times News Review about teenagers blogging and how they tell their deepest darkest secrets online and its a really bad thing. I guess it could be easily abused. Hopefully I'm old and wise enough to know better. Certainly old enough!

Nick made me watch a really toe-curlingly painful TV programme last night about teams of 20 somethings trying to race to make a million bucks by inventing and selling products. Oh my God it was really good in a voyeuristic awful way. Even better than that Alan Sugar series, almost. They are all having affairs and firing each other and there were lots of tears.

See ya soon,

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Viewing update

On hour and fifteen minutes. Not bad.

Actually they were lovely and I realised the girl looking was in the year below me at school. Quelle small world. Her parents were a laugh as well so quite a jolly afternoon poking around peoples flats then.

OK well I'm outta here in 45 minutes. Wheeeeeeeeee!!

A non weekend

Another non weekend which involved me getting highly stressed because we spent it all around at the flat doing DIY, meaning that yet again I did not manage to get any housework done at home. My house is starting to look very dusty around the edges and it makes me want to cry. Nick has been really good though as he can see I'm cracking up around the edges and has been loading the dishwasher and hoovering cat hair off the sofa for me.

This week I really don't have any free time either to do any. I'm going for stage 2 of the haircut after work tonight so will be home late. Tomorrow its a meal out and again on Friday, and Thursday I said I'd go see this Bon Jovi tribute band play at the Doghouse. The weekend's going to be busy as well with the whole bridesmaid dress hunt happening. God what I really need is a cleaner!! And my Dad has been telling me to mow the lawn, one question.. When??? He better not have a go at me as I was genuinely thinking about doing it last Sunday apart from the rain which stopped me. We managed to install the under floor heating anyway so it was a good progress day there at least.

Whoa, sorry I ranted a bit there. All better now. I might be able to get some dusting/hoovering done tonight after the hair cut. And I get to leave work an hour early which is cool. I sound like a real anal ratbag don't I. Poor Nick having to live with me.

I have to do a run of viewings in half an hour, I'm going to see how fast I can do them as they're all little flats around where I work. I think we're doing 7 in total.

Eastenders and an early night for me tonight.


Friday, November 04, 2005


The Circus was reeeeally quite something last night. After queueing in the pissing rain and getting big wet tide marks up my freshly washed jeans we finally got in.

Then another queue for a drink and some popcorn only to be told by the very shitty lady serving that there was a separate popcorn queue which is half a mile long and we have to start again. SO, we survived the first half without any popcorn. Bitch. Got some at half time though.

It was really good though despite rain and queues. We had ringside seats thanks to my miraculous boyfriend who had been earlier in the day and interviewed the circus folk. As we walked in they all said hello to him! How cool, we're in with the carnies. And he said the strong man had a really weak handshake!

My colleagues are all arguing about a vinery that is for sale. A sodding vinery that is causing more trouble than a bloody house. The woman who owns it has had a full asking offer but is faffing around as if she wants more money for it. We'll see.

I'm getting my hair done in 2 sittings which is a bit ridiculous. Tomorrow it's getting cut then Tuesday it's getting coloured. They can't fit me in all at once and I want it done before next weekend becuase I'm basically now booked up until Christmas. It's not going to be a cheap couple of months that's for sure. My mate is coming over the weekend after and we're going to find me a bridesmaid dress hopefully.

Cold update: nose now red raw and snot still flowing freely. Slight pulsing headache every time I bend down.

An early night tonight as up very early to Chouet tip tomorrow morning with another van full of rubbish from the flat. Oh I am such a bloke. Last weekend I was carrying dishwashers and fridgefreezers around. I am hardcore. (And very unfeminine at the moment.)

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Foggy Head

That's what I have today , a very foggy head. Thank goodness they haven't deemed fit to send me out on viewings today as I know I would get myself all muddled up and probably take the wrong keys or crash my Smart car. My cold is still full steam ahead with much snot and now I have the feeling that I have a goldfish bowl on my head and everything I hear is coming through thick glass.

BUT! On a brighter note I am going to the Circus tonight! It is the Moscow State Circus so all people and no animals involved, hence no great huge cruelty issues to contend with. At least not against animals, which is a bigger problem for me than human cruelty funnily enough. I guess its because animals don't understand whats happening to them, which just breaks my heart. I am such a pushover and my cat knows it!

This morning I had a phone call from the bridal shop in Jersey telling me that the dress I like is being discontinued and if I want it I have to order it NOW. I don't know if that was just a craftly sales tactic but it sure worked and I have ordered it. My Dad is buying it for me and it cost £875. Its most likely the most expensive thing I'll ever wear, but I do feel like a Princess in it and it is very lovely. On to the bridesmaids then! Just two for me: my sister and Nick's sister, both of which live in the UK so we're all getting together in 3 weekends time to blitz the UK bridal shops and find them stuff.

God work is so boring. I've caved in to vanity and am getting my hair done next week. No more roots! I'm trying to enjoy them while they last.

I'm going to see my cousin after work and her 2 boys, William & Tom. They are so adorable and well behaved and Tom is just starting to put 2 words together, the beginnings of a sentence! Its so weird watching them progress and every time I see them they look hugely older even though its only a few weeks between each time normally. William is really into cars and knows all the different makes. He's going to be SO way ahead when he starts school.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Too much soup

Last night I made a soup from my halloween pumpkin. I added some chicken, other veg, coconut milk and chilli and had it for dinner with crusty nut bread. So far so lovely.

Then today for my lunch I ate a Waitrose French Onion fresh soup, which I bought becuase it was reduced to 20p in the supermarket last night.

And tonight I have to eat the pumpkin one again because I made far too much and it is now taking up space in the fridge. It is... just... too much SOUP! I can't go on like this.

Last night I forced Nick to watch The Virgin Suicides. I couldn't be bothered to read the book (I know! Philistine!) so watched the film instead. He fell asleep half way through but I made it to the VERY DEPRESSING and POINTLESS end. Honestly, I thought it might be darker and funnier. It was just quite boring.

I feel the onset of a cold. My nose is positively dripping liquid goo and my glands are feeling like little cherry tomatoes in my neck. Ahhh great. Illness. I doesd myself up on Echinecea & Rosehip this morning although I don't know what the rosehip bit is supposed to do.

My roots are now about 2 inches long. They don't show too bad as I tie my hair back normally but this is the longest I've let them get in a loooooong time. I am trying not to be too vain about it as I've felt too skint to go to the hairdressers recently but I think I may have to cave and get it done very soon. I'm scared I'm becoming a high maintenance woman. I have stopped using fake nails though becuase that cost £40 a pop which was horrendous really. I could afford it at my last job but not here (sniff).

Last night it got dark at 4:40pm!! What is this evil? I know the clocks have gone back but it shouldn't be allowed to just TURN INTO WINTER OVERNIGHT! Gah! Oh, how I suffer.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005


... rocks.

It is such a cool night. I will always feel a bit scared getting out of my warm bed at night to go to the loo in the dark on October 31st.

Rachel & Becky came around and we all watched Ginger Snaps which is such a superb film to watch if you're feeling teenage and angsty. And even when you're not. I wish I had discovered it when I was 15 but I don't think it had been made then. We had lots of pizza, which Nick created with lots of barbecue sauce and extra toppings. We named them 'Texas Chainsaw Barbecue' and 'Slashfest' flavour. Also ate lots of Cadburys's heroes and drank cloudy lemonade. All in all a bit of a childrens party of a halloween.

Then I had a really vivid dream, not a nice dream, that Nick was diagnised with Colonic cancer. I can remember being really upset with him and telling him that it was wrong he had cancer, things weren't supposed to be this way and we were supposed to grow old together. I watched some Osbornes on MTV as I drifted off to sleep, I can only think that my brain linked somehow with Sharon Osborne because that is what she had. Slightly disturbing was that the doctor discovered the cancer by putting his finger up Nick's bottom in what was supposed to be a routine check up.

I wonder if anyone is reading this apart from me. I haven't told any of my friends about it yet so I know they're not reading it but I wonder if anyone else in the world is. I have had a couple of comments but they were from people trying to sell me stuff so don't count. If you are genuinely reading this with no hidden selling motive then hello, hope you're enjoying my site. Now why don't you go and make yourself a nice cup of tea. Maybe with a digestive or two. Mmmm.