Friday, November 04, 2005


The Circus was reeeeally quite something last night. After queueing in the pissing rain and getting big wet tide marks up my freshly washed jeans we finally got in.

Then another queue for a drink and some popcorn only to be told by the very shitty lady serving that there was a separate popcorn queue which is half a mile long and we have to start again. SO, we survived the first half without any popcorn. Bitch. Got some at half time though.

It was really good though despite rain and queues. We had ringside seats thanks to my miraculous boyfriend who had been earlier in the day and interviewed the circus folk. As we walked in they all said hello to him! How cool, we're in with the carnies. And he said the strong man had a really weak handshake!

My colleagues are all arguing about a vinery that is for sale. A sodding vinery that is causing more trouble than a bloody house. The woman who owns it has had a full asking offer but is faffing around as if she wants more money for it. We'll see.

I'm getting my hair done in 2 sittings which is a bit ridiculous. Tomorrow it's getting cut then Tuesday it's getting coloured. They can't fit me in all at once and I want it done before next weekend becuase I'm basically now booked up until Christmas. It's not going to be a cheap couple of months that's for sure. My mate is coming over the weekend after and we're going to find me a bridesmaid dress hopefully.

Cold update: nose now red raw and snot still flowing freely. Slight pulsing headache every time I bend down.

An early night tonight as up very early to Chouet tip tomorrow morning with another van full of rubbish from the flat. Oh I am such a bloke. Last weekend I was carrying dishwashers and fridgefreezers around. I am hardcore. (And very unfeminine at the moment.)

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