Friday, November 25, 2005

Weird Rash

Woke up this morning and something is going on with my skin, I itch all over. I haven't changed any of my shampoos or anything. The only thing I can think of that may have caused it is that Nick woke up at 6:00 and switched the fan heater on full blast in the bedroom and I was subsequently cooked under the duvet until my alarm went off at 7:30, so it might be a kind of heat rash. Urrrgh! It's in my hair and everything.

I ended up last night cooking chicken in low fat honey/mustard sauce (just out of a jar) with boiled then sauted garlic and pesto new potatoes. It was tasty and easy to do, I might do it again. Went to bed really early, just after 10:00, and read some more LOTR. Aragorn etc are chasing Merry & Pippin across Rohan and have just met the riders. Nick has just started the Order of the Phoenix.

I have already sold 2 houses this morning, how lovely now my boss will hopefully lay off for a week or so. And I made him a lovely filtered cup of coffee. Obviously if he catches me doing this it may undo this good work.

More later, Bye!

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