Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Yippee Ki Yay

Just a quick one today, lots of viewings and lots of houses to sell sell sell. Well maybe not.

My boss made a slightly off comment yesterday that I hadn't sold anything in a while. I politely reminded him that I had just made him £14,000 two weeks earlier by selling a very expensive house (which I received not one penny of BTW!) which shut him up.

I'm leaving work early and then am off to Southampton on 6:30 flight. I'm not back until Monday so probably no blogs between now and then. I'll be busy inhaling the delights of beautiful Soton. Well maybe not beautiful. Big and grey and car-fumy maybe. But Nick's parents live in a nice part which is all posh cars and leafy avenues so it should be lovely. Also my big sis is driving down from Bath with her husband to join us and some friends from London may be in Soton as well this weekend in which case it will be a right old reunion.

I'm tempted to get duty free fags but I'm supposed to be giving up New Years Eve so its probably better not to get any. I've got loads to smoke anyway at home. I'l get some more whisky though as I'm ploughing my way through it at home.

Oh and I finished that book I was telling you about - it really is an amazing book. I might buy it as Xmas presents for people and force them to read it too.

I hate the cold, I am having to wear gloves already and I have chilblains one one toe and one finger ALREADY! Damn my circulation. And its only going to get worse. Winter is my own private hell.

See you soon

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