Saturday, March 31, 2007

Vodka and Whisky and Gin - Oh My

(I imagined that said like in the Wizard of Oz, lions and tigers and bears...)

So as usual I am spending a Saturday morning feeling a bit wan and pasty, sat at work with a twitchy eye caused by a hangover. My right temple is gently pulsing and if I'm honest I probably shouldn't be staring at a computer screen. I will make a conscious effort to sit back in my chair like a lady rather than hunch over it like Quasimodo, and keep my tired little eyes further away from the monitor.

We were in the Swan last night, Rachel & I, then Sue, Laurie, Tinny, Fiona and Toki turned up so that was good. I hadn't been out since Nick left really, unless you count the cinema the other night. It was nice, quite a chilled out night, not too busy as the weather was a bit windy and crappy so most sensible folk stayed in I'm sure. As people left and the bar thinned out the barman was just giving us top-ups and I ended up drinking more whisky than was probably good for me. But it was Jamesons so how I could I say no? It really is the best whisky in the world.

I am very happy because Nick just phoned me from his hotel room in Shanghai. I am seeing him in 5 days! It was lovely to have a proper conversation and catch up, we hadn't really had a chance beforehand. He is fine, I think it is all quite tiring for him, he's done about 6 internal flights in China and has such a hectic itinery. He will probably sleep for a whole day when he gets back.

Well I have a lot to do today and I'm off bowling this evening for Tinny's birthday. I must find the time to watch a bit of the Big Lebowski before I go, for inspiration!!

I also have to make a card for Bob & Miles, who are getting married next weekend in Durham. I have great plans with glitter and glue. I also have several chores which are boring so I won't list them here. You will fall asleep!

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