Wednesday, March 28, 2007

A sphincter says what?

I slept soooo well last night, which was lovely, as I haven't the last few. I'm pretty sure it's because I tired myself out at the gym after work yesterday. I am going to try and go again tonight, its got to be good for me. I'm supposed to be going for a run this weekend with one of my friends and she's a bit more of a hardcore runner than me so I want to at least be able to keep up!

So I am still surviving without Nick around, it is a week and a half now he has been gone, and I will be seeing him in Southampton a week tomorrow! We have had just really brief phone conversations as it costs a bomb to call from China. I've seen a lot of my mates, and also my Dad who popped into my work this morning. I had ordered him some more James Bond comics off Amazon, he is really getting into them.

Its been a gorgeous few days here in Guernsey, with lovely evening warm sunshine. I mowed the lawn and tidyed up our garden on Monday while being watched over by this noisy little robin that always swoops down to where I have been working to inspect my handiwork. I carefully mowed around the bottom of the fuschia, which is where Molly deposits her turds unfortunately. Must train her out of that now summer is approaching and I will actually be using the garden. It can get a bit stinky. Oh, the joys of having a cat. I went to a house this morning and one of the cats was diabetic and it was so sweet, I felt so sorry for it. It was just sat on the bed looking really miserable. Pets always always distract me terribly on appointments, they can be so funny. When they follow you around staring at you because you are a stranger in their house always cracks me up. I often want to bring them home with me but I don't think Molly would allow it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

'tis true... pets can be a huge distraction. Cats are cute, but I think I like dogs better.

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