Thursday, January 24, 2008


I spent last night tugging dresses and jackets on and off and I know what I'm wearing on Saturday now and I have packed it ready for my flight tonight. It's an outfit I like to think of as 'old and trusty'. It's a green spotty dress and I have worn it to 2 other weddings but luckily noone from either of those 2 will be at this one. Result. I slathered on some smelly fake tan this morning to take the blue chill off my pins, so as I don't scare people.

Ah ye Gods of time, I cannot believe it is only 3:15. I am not allowed out of here until 4, which yes I know is good but I am having a dull old day. A little old lady phoned me up a minute ago looking for a 'little cottage' to rent and I was like, no my dear we don't have one but if we did I would GIVE you one as you are so lovely and sound like a proper Granny. So sweet. I do like dealing with the public, most of the time. They can be cute.

Right. Plan of action then at 4 is leave here - go to the bank - go home - shower - finish packing - feed cat - empty smelly kitchen bin - try to remember to water the plants - get my Dad to take me to the airport - get on plane - get to Southampton - have a lovely tea cooked by my amazing mother-in-law... and relax. Let's hope it all goes according to plan.

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