Monday, April 24, 2006

Zim Bah

Well, guess what I spent the weekend doing. I'm not going to tell you because if you can't guess by now then you're very dumb and shouldn't be reading my highly intellectual blog anyway.

Back at work and it's Monday, went to town to Woolworths just now to get my new passport photos done, they came out looking very gormless and spaced. I'm was going for a sort of half smile with a twinkle in my eye and came out looking like I'd eaten some magic shrooms.

Molly got assaulted last night by a big ginger tom cat. There was lots of raucousness and cat shreiks coming from outside so I went to investigate and ended up chasing it across the garden in my socks while clapping my hands and shouting BAH! BAH! at it to scare it off. God only knows what the neighbours thought of me.

Good news, Leni & Dom ARE coming to the wedding! Can't start the day with better news than that really.

We booked the honeymoon yesterday and it is VERY VERY EXCITING INDEED. The final plan is to fly to San Fransisco, stay a few days and hire a convertible which we'll drive down Pacific Ocean Highway (that's OC land, oh yes) to LA. We've got 2 day passes to Universal Studios and are staying v close to Hollywood walk of fame. Then we fly from there to Tokyo, that's right we're going to Japan! We're staying somewhere in the city for a few days, going to hit all the tourist spots and shops etc, get some of the crazy lifestyle. After that we fly to Bangkok and we've got a connection via coach to Hua Hin which is about 3 1/2 hours away and supposed to be beautiful and your typical sandy beach lazy Thailand resort. And that's out last stop then home again. So all in all I have a lot of reading up to do on all these places. It's going to be wonderful. The lady organising it for us has told all the airlines and hotels that we're honeymooners so you never know, we might get upgraded here and there.

Update: It's now the evening, I've had trouble with blogger I meant to post this earlier. I went shopping after work then came home and washed both the Smart(stupid) car and the Punto. Just waiting for Nick to come home, he's gone for a drink with Rew and Lou who's over from the UK for 6 weeks. Have found a repeat of Lost on E4 and have just turned the oven on, having plaice and chips for dinner. Weightwatchers chips actually, which I am convinced are a complete con but there you go. How can chips be diet?? Nick's emailed me another list of stuff to do. This one's the definitive one witrh absolutely everything we can think of.

1 comment:

Alex said...

dont forget to go to harajuku!!