Sunday, April 16, 2006

Big roast chicken

that is what i had for my tea just now. It was yum. Finally I get a chance to sit down and nibble on dairy milk in front of the telly. Its been a hellish couple of days.... purely the pressures of decorating and the fact that's its now less than 3 months until I get married. We sat down and made a to do list and it is very long and ridiculous. It didn't help that I was hungover this morning and Nick got me out of bed after 5 hours sleep (nb any less than 8 and I'm waspish to say the least). I was trying to get my shoes on and I had my hands full and stepped in a big puddle in my socks and ended up bursting into tears on the doorstep. How stupid. It all just seemed like a bit much. In then next 3 months we have to move house which is always hideous. I hate moving house. We've done it so much the last few years. Hmm. Anyway. i also ran out of paint and had a generally shitty day and I kept thinking that what with it being Easter Sunday most normal people are probably having nice sunday lunches and generally doing nice family stuff. So we finished at 4 and came home and I cooked a roast. I also did some housework which I haven't been able to do for ages. Seriously, the sheets hadn't been changed since we went to my friends wedding.

Went out last night just me & Rachel, one of her workmates hired the ground floor of Isobels. So we spent some time there then another girl was having a house party so we popped in for bit and then everyone at the party decided that Barbados was a good idea and the evening ended in there. My oh my the pole dancers are SO YOUNG in there, they look about 12. I feel old. I think I was a bit of a drunk twat again, dear me. I remember some strange guy trying to talk to me and I couldn't hear a thing he was saying and after he had repeated himself about 5 times I think I just tried to pat him on the head? Poor Rachel never drinks and always give me lifts home which is so nice of her.

There were some really weird noises about a few minutes ago and we went out to look and Molly was chatting up some big ginger tom cat and her tail had gone all massive and fluffed out.

Bob came round to see me yesterday and he brought for me a bunch of old family photos that my great aunt has posted to him. They are amazing there are even ones of my Gran when she was a baby. And theres lots of my gran & grandad when they were young and living over here. I love their 1940's outfits they looked so smart and proper.

We just watched episode 14 S2 of lost where Sayid gets all torturey. Its still soooooo good. Well its 10:15 and we have another early start tomorrow so I'm off to bed.

1 comment:

Alex said...

oooh pole dancers! I dont think there is anywhere in jersey with proper pole dancers. they might have some shit ones at some of the clubs, but i have some friends who do taht sort of thing for a living, and burlesque so im always on the look out to compare notes heheh