Tuesday, April 11, 2006

my trousers are falling down

which means, that I need a belt.

Work is way way quieter today THANK GOD. Just one week of madness we had there. Oh good news, the gas leak at the flat turned out to be a very small thing. Nick had previously fitted the gas hob and had put an important thing on back to front or the wrong way round or something. So all it should cost is maybe a hundred quid or so for the guys time, which, if you think about it in the long run isn't much considering that we saved a lot of money by fitting the whole kitchen ourselves. (Nick's going to love how I say 'we' fitted it, but I was there so it counts, ha).

I have done a sort of twisty thing with the side bits of my hair which I copied from Rachel Weiss in the Constant Gardener, I think its pretty but no one has noticed. I might walk slowly past everyones desks in a minute.

So far today I've done one viewing and changed some property details and had to go to 2 advocates to sort out conditions of sale. And its nearly lunchtime. Tuna salad today plus a guy brought in a big bowl of fruit yesterday and there is a big lovely melon I might dig into.

I watched Bride & Prejudice last night. Nick kept tutting and muttering 'what the HELL are you making me watch' and I admit it was a terrific cheese fest and a half. But I was in the right mood for a cheesy musical with lots of Bollywood dancing. Sayid from Lost is in it and its SO FUNNY seeing him as a romantic lead after his serious haunted 'I am an Iraqi' character in Lost.

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