Monday, February 04, 2008

I had a great weekend

A weekend of drunken nights out, laziness and a smidgen of housework. Lovely.

On Friday night we went out to the Swan, then on to Christies and the Apartment Bar, with Rachel, James, Sue, Laurie, Tinny, Fran's James, and then Penny & Matt later on. One of those great spontaneous nights out that ends up being much funnier, later and drunker than anyone intended. On Saturday, to my shame, I slept in until midday then did a spot of gardening before going into town for a very late lunch with Sue & Laurie. In the evening we went to Laska's, then White D'or with Sue & Tom, from Nick's work, and Sue's family for her birthday. Then yesterday I had a joyfully lazy day watching films and new Lost. We watched the 70's Dawn of the Dead which is in turns freakishly scary and unintentionally hilarious, and Perfume, which is one of the GREATEST films ever.

I have to go shopping. Oh, what to have for tea....

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