Tuesday, June 06, 2006


na nahhh na na na (to the muppets theme song) BN chocolate biscuits, you can get them from Chequers now and they bring them over from France. The taste makes me think of holidays.
BN BN, na nahhh na na na
BNBN na na na naaaaaaa

And so on

I realise this makes sense only to me. And possibly Nick who has been huming it a lot since I bought the biccies.

I got up REALLY REALLY early this morning and went to see a man about some plants for the wedding marquis. We may have some plants taken over to make it look pretty, if it comes in affordable. We are both extremely poor right now so we'll see.

This evening the photofrapher is coming round to chat about the wedding. I don't know its just wedding wedding wedding around here at the moment. My boss was a bit funny today. He said he probably wouldn't come because the only reason I have invited him is because I work for him... I was like, yeah but I wouldn't have known you otherwise? Anyway. No great shakes if he can't come. I can get more drunk and less paranoid with him not around. Funny thing to say though, no? He's not one for great social skills.

I have just eaten 2 BN biscuits, 2 after 8 mints, a lump of chorizo sausage and about 20 pringles. Leftovers from the BBQ - would somebody stop me please.

1 comment:

Alex said...

bn bn da daaaaaaaa dadadaaaaaa BN BN!