Friday, January 20, 2006

Where do I start?

Grim couple of days. I was thinking of sparing you the awful boring humdrumness of my whinging but then I thought, what the hell is a blog for if you can't let it all out? So here goes, in no particular order of importantness:

1) can't get a wedding photographer. They're all booked up already.

2)have snapped off one fake nail and another one's about to go.

3)Have eaten like a pig the last couple of days. Oink oink.

4)Nick has managed to put me in an awkward spot with my boss here at work. HOW!? You ask. Well, he's managed. First he phones me up at 5ish yesterday to say "Sam I have got you the most amazing opportunity for you. I've got you a free herbal facial peel, they normally cost £250 but you have to have it tomorrow afternoon."
My boss had already gone home so I phoned him to ask if I could beg a couple of hours off in the afternoon to have this thing done. He says no. End of story? No. Bear in mind I wasn't too upset cos although I would quite like it done I find the whole concept a bit scary. Don't want to end up looking like Pete Burns you see.
Me not being able to do it put Nick in a tight spot as he'd already promised I would do it to his workmates. It was for an advert and I was to be the model having the treatment done basically. So then at his work a woman he works with figures out that she knows my boss socially and takes it upon herself to call up my boss and have a go at him for not letting me have a couple of hours off! NNNNNGHHHHH!!! Great going. LUCKILY I managed to get to my boss in time as I had prior warning and apologised profusely and explain it wasn't anything to do with me. And LUCKILY he's OK . But I think it's a bloody cheek of her to poke her nose into what is essentially my livelihood and jeopadise my working relationship. And Nick just sees it that he was trying to do me a favour.

5) This is kind of leading on from No.4. Maybe its because he's a bit pissed at me for asking for a couple of hours off, I don't know, but my boss has this morning told me that I can't have 4 weeks off in July for my honeymoon which is what he'd previously said I could have. 3 weeks is the absolute max. He then went on to say that out of my 20 days holiday I am expected to save a couple of days for Christmas. I pointed out that if I am expected to do this then in reality that only leaves me with 17/18 days holiday, which sucks, and I'm going on honeymoon and also have 3 other weddings in England that I HAVE to go to this year (I'm bridesmaid at one, Nick's the best man at another, and the third is an ex of mine and best friend of Nick and its just important we have to go) that leaves me with minus holiday. He could see I was upset but left it a couple of hours before renegging slightly and saying MAYBE we can work something out with unpaid leave but JESUS how stressed am I today. New job here I come.

Did you like the over-use of capital letters there to emphasize certain words? That's what they do in my new self help book.

Rant over. Anal stupid rant over.

PS I have stomach ache and am tired.

1 comment:

Bazlurgan said...

Sorry to hear about your holiday leave stress...

I'd let you know about the number of days holiday I get each year, in addition to flexitime, but I'd probably make you feel sick!