Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Sober as a judge

Its been a bit hard to keep up with the blogging recently, as work has got 100 times busier over the last few days. But that's good! I don't mind being busy, at least we're selling stuff which is fun. I'm showing Ben some flats tomorrow morning. And I'm doing some posh houses too, one has loads of amazing antiques in it I'm going to late morning.

I got so very wasted on Saturday night, as my friends well know. But I wasn't the only one, Nick was breakdancing and fell over 5 times, apparentely. And I was very proud of being Rachels toilet buddy, and on the way home I decided to stroke a bald mans head. And I was dressed as Felicity Shagwell, you had to be there. So that's it in a nutshell, and I'm still not smoking! Hey hey.

In other weekend news, I put my knee out, it's really hard to kneel down now. I did lots of DIY and also went to the cinema on Sunday night and saw Just Friends, which drags on a bit towards the end but has some very exceedingly funny moments.

Something a bit freaky, from Hot or Not (see my link) a total stranger (or nutcase) has paid $2 and sent me a 'virtual daisy'. I find this nothing shrt of scary and feel a bit rude but I'm not going to email him back. No way.

I have to go to the Toy Shop now and find something appropriate for a 4 year old's birthday. Ooooh toy shops are brilliant.

Also, have been wedding planning some more, and am about to order the invites soon, in a week or so. I've decided on the ones I want which are very tasteful and not at all yucky/tacky/pukesome. They're just plain white card and I think very chic. I hate tack.


Alex said...

whats a virtual daisy?!?!

Bazlurgan said...

... and why just a daisy? Why not a virtual bunch of red roses?

Bazlurgan said...

P.S. Where's that link?

Sameranda said...

www.hotornot.com is the website and I am ashamed to say I have my photo on it. The link to my picture is near the bottom of my page.

Which means weirdos can send me their profiles and these virtual flower things, which is a picture of a flower basically.

And I know! I'm only worth a measly daisy! How dare he. I am worth a least a dozen roses, if not a few orchids.