Thursday, March 25, 2010

Dark Crystal Dreams

So I had the most vivid dream the other night, it was basically the whole imagined sequel to the film 'The Dark Crystal' which has been one of my favourite films since I was 6 years old. I have no idea what brought it into my subconcious mind but it was quite good, although I remember being slightly vexed that they had chosen Keira Knightley to play the part of Kira and not a puppet. The details are fading now but she was sat in a large, gladitorial style stadium which a guy next to her who I presume was supposed to be Jen and there were definitely landstriders in it although they had horses heads and six legs, I think because I have watched Avatar too many times and I was getting confused in my dreams!

Well it's my last day tomorrow in this temping position, I like the people but OH MY GOD there is nothing to do every day. I am melting into a slack jawed puddle of boredom and can't wait to be outta here. Just thinking of the money clocking up hour by hour is what has got me through. I don't know how anyone could do this job full time, it is moronic. I am starting a permanent job on Monday which is for a well done energy supplier - good money and after my training period I will be working a 4 day week, Thursdays off, Woohoo! Although it's long hours the other days so I won't be able to go to my normal yoga class anymore on a Tuesday night, but luckily Perminder does a class on Thursdays so I'm going to change to that. Bit of a shame as it's at a College further away from where I live but I can't live without my yoga now, it's so good.

I've been up to London town for the weekend. Which was a belated birthday treat for my mother in law. We took her for afternoon tea at Browns hotel which was all finger sandwiches, mini scones and cakes (an infinite supply) and lovely, lovely teas to drink. Then after a mooch around Soho we went to Ronnie Scotts in the evening for dinner and jazz, baby! We saw the James Tayler Quartet which was really funky, Starsky & Hutch type music with much audience participation, although I didn't do too much dancing as I had eaten a massive house burger and fries and was feeling rather distended, belly wise. Still I sang a lot, he divided the crowd and each side had to bellow out 'In the Ghetto' or 'We're talking 'bout the Ghetto' really loudly in a sing off stylee, something I haven't experience literally since Primary school! Loved it. So a great night, and then on the Sunday we went to Colombia Road flower market and Spitalfields market.

And someone has actually given me a small amount of work to do!! Wow. Better sign off.

1 comment:

SteveR said...

Good to see you're still blogging!

Hope the new job is going ok...