Friday, April 18, 2008


I'm sitting at my desk with a very burnt tongue. I am having to keep my mouth slightly open and take in big cool breaths of air to cool it down. I went for lunch with Rachel to Piece of Cake again, maybe for the last time, who knows. And I had the steak/mushroom homemade pie with peas and grazy and the peas I tell you they were hotter than the sun. The pie was as good as ever though, worth the residual pain.

So that is my day so far. That and farting around in the office all morning doing some paperworky type stuff. Getting up every five minutes to help out the newbies, which I don't mind, it makes me feel all wise like an owl.

So we are still living in a friend's apartment, for another week before we go round to my Dad's for the final weekend. I say the final weekend but we will probably be back again soon with the camper to kit it out. We're flying to Hamburg on Monday 28th to pick up the van, probably will be there a couple of days then we're driving back to Guernsey via France. Happy days! I only have one week or work left, tomorrow I can start saying the "last evers.." . . as in "OMG this is the last ever Saturday I will work here!" I will be irritating everyone by making up 'last ever's about everything. "OMG last time I will use the photocopier!!" "Woo last time I will ever shred any paper here!" I know, I like things to be epic. Also I like to annoy people.

Things are generally OK. I can't say that I'm the happiest that I've ever been because I am really finding it hard about Molly and I do miss our old home ever so much. I think in a weeks time I will feel better because then it will really be happening and we will really be going travelling. At the moment it is hard to imagine it's real because every day there seems to be another hurdle to jump or problem to solve with the logistics of the entire thing. It's almost as if I'm scared to get too excited because if I do then a really big problem will arise that will mean that we can't go and I will be terribly disappointed. Weird I suppose but that is my brain.

Anyway I'm off to pour myself a glass of water for that old tongue, I will leave you with the following wise thoughts...

He that will steal an egg will steal an ox.

(I think finishing up posts with one of the proverbs from below is my new thing!)

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