Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Packing Up the House

God, do I hate packing. We are right in the middle of it at the moment, Nick has taken the week off and there are boxes everywhere. Today is the day he sorts out the shed, yesterday it was the big cupboard under the stairs... who knows what excitement tomorrow will bring? The ladies at the local charity shop love me, I have given them so much stuff the last couple of days. Really, I should have done a carboot sale but I really don't have the time unfortunately.

I have little chillblains all over my fingers, they don't hurt as such but they make my hands feel super sensitive, as if the nerve endings are right there on the surface. Can't complain really but still, its annoying as I am super careful to wear gloves when I'm out. I'm still taking the gingko bilola tablets when I remember, which is supposed to help.

I am counting down the days until I leave this job, there's still a good few weeks to go. Our house completes a week on Thursday and before then we have to make a trip to the UK to put our stuff into storage, joy. We are also taking Molly over then to settle her into her new groove, which will be living at Nick's parents house. Poor little mite, she's going to detest the journey.

I am so annoyed because I called my Doctor yesterday to let them know my new address, and they were like 'Oh I'm so glad you called, you are due a smear test!' CHEERS. Yuck yuck yuck I hate being a girl. I really don't think that many men could handle lying with their legs akimbo having a metal ducks bill prodded up inside them. Oh well as long as they warm it first...

Roast chicken for tea tonight, mmmm.

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