Tuesday, November 06, 2007

*~*~ FiReWoRks~*~*



I do like fireworks. Generally. Sometimes they can be a little too close though. Take last night for example - around at our friends house in their fairly smallish garden, about thirty people, plus about 100 fireworks that people had brought along with them, including, one called 'The Apocalypse'. I kid you not. Every time a fuse was lit the crowd surged back into the corner, everybody trying to protect themselves by having other bodies in front of them so it was a bit of a scramble, ha ha. Luckily, there were no injuries (well, none by the time we left) and it was all very exciting. A couple of large sparks came very close and I ended up with grit and smoke in my eyes but what's a little discomfort when there are big sparkly things to enjoy!? We even has toasted marshmallows and hot fudge sauce, as well as bean jar and mulled wine. Aimee & Gareth are officially great hosts.

I have my husband back. After over two weeks away he has returned home finally. I am so so pleased to have him back, even though I have a touch of PMT and feel a bit overemotional this week and have been feeling teary and wobbly more than usual. It is so nice to have the house full and busy again, it felt really empty without him around. Apart from I did have Molly for comfort, but she isn't great at conversation and to be honest just uses me for food, and body heat.

I had my hair done last weekend, had some more blonde put in as I was feeling a bit drab. Looks nice, got much shorter layers put in the back as well so it's not as big and heavy. Now it kind of curls up when I scrunch dry it. I have also ordered a load of scrumptious things on the Lush website, as I realised they knock the VAT off when they send to Guernsey, so I've got a box of hair and body treats on the way! Nick already bought me some delicious smelling lemon and tea tree deodorant that is so nice I just want to make love to my own armpits. Yum Yum.

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