Yesterday, I arrived home from work to find Nick in the lounge, on his laptop, with a microphone plugged in. Using a very simple programme and a sampling casio keyboard he had been recording songs for our friend Katy G who has been poorly. (She was in Darfur at the time and had a nasty flare up of rheumatism, not nice at all.) Anyway we started trying to talk backwards into the mike and then reversing it to see if it made sense. We used to so this a lot at Uni and it was always a bit scary, the end result. The scariest is if you just talk random gobbledegook and then play it backwards and discover messages. We used to think they were from Satan. Once, doing this we heard it say "I am in the sky behind you" which shitted us up good and proper. If you have seen Twin Peaks, its just like that little dwarf guy with the 'coffeeee'. Nasty. But fun.
Oh and this is really brilliant, if you have sound on your computer: CLICKY WOO
It is Saturday, I am at work. History is repeating. So, I still look a bit scratchy but my skin is healing. I came back to work on Wednesday so its been a nice short week. I didn't have time to wash my hair this morning but I am wearing gold shoes so as to distract from my greasy head. I am also dressed all in black, as I am in a bit of a black mood from not getting enough sleep and also having a slight hangover. I ate a load of chips and cheese from the Ribshack (Shitshack) last night and now feel guilty and also a little bit sick.
Tonight I am supposed to be out again for a friends birthday, but I need sleep. Whats a girl to do? Tomorrow I will be loitering in Saumarez Park. Next weekend, yes NEXT WEEKEND, it is my birthday, and also Fran's birthday, and we shall be celebrating. Lovely!
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