Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Poorly Me

Since I last blogged I have been feeling a but sorry for myself. On Friday I felt a bit itchy scratchy and I went to the doctor. He said "OOOOOh! You have an impressive case of dermatograpia giant urticaria!" So there! I got him to write that down so I could sound clever, it sounds way better than 'a nasty rash'.

Basically I have had an allergic reaction, probably to food and the likely contender is strawberries, that has made the histamine levels in my 'mast cells' go crazy and leak out and when I agitate my skin (ie by scratching or wearing tight clothes) I get these red weals that stay for days! I look like I have been in a rather nasty cat fight with a bunch of chavs. Its not really painful, just itchy and everywhere. I am on some strong tablets that make me woozy. They are fun, I am sleeping lots. Anyway it has gone down a lot today though so I am going to go back to work tomorrow. Nick made me help him paint the bannisters today so I have been keeping busy. I have been listening to Radio 4 all day while painting so I can tell you all about what has been going on between NATO and Russia. Also, I am growing tomatoes.

Molly got her tail in the white paint pot this afternoon and now has an unusual greyish patch that refuses to wash out.

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