Wednesday, June 20, 2007

I feel hot, not in a sexy way though

It is as muggy as an atheletes crotch in my office today, and I have positioned myself under the tepid breeze of my clip on desk fan, which is cooling my head nicely while my feet remain toasty.

I was working on a window display earlier, cutting and sticking Blue-Peter stylee and I had to do this one piece three times because my sweaty hands kept smudging the ink. I know that air conditioning is not good for the environment, but what I would give for a cool breeze around my stifled toes right now...

Enough! I think I may have to open the small office fridge and wedge myself into it if I don't start thinking about something else. I went shopping in my lunch hour and bought lots of nice things, chicken kiev for tea, mmmm you can't beat that old trusty favourite. I am fully recovered (and so is the house and the laptop!) from my party weekend, although I have been feeling quite tired all week. I went shopping in my lunch hour on Monday and bought a couple of new tops plus a cheap but nice work dress that I am wearing today. I am wearing totally the wrong shoes with it though as I was in a hurry this morning and couldn't find the ones I wanted.

I have a very pregnant sister at the moment, she is 29.5 weeks with twins and really struggling to find clothes that fit. She is very tall, slender and with a huge low down bump. She says her trousers keep falling down and she keeps unintentionally mooning people at work! I find this hilarious. If you ever need an excise to moon your boss get pregnant. "Oh sorry I was just bending down to pick up a paperclip!" I suggested braces but this is seriously dyke-y on a girl and she could end up looking like Tweedledee.


Ant said...

Know the feeling - it's boiling here and we have no air con it's hard to get motivated at work especially surrounded by 22 sweating kids. I am over about5th July for 2 weeks see you them!

Anonymous said...

Hi Sam
I can't believe it's been hot there - it's blowing a gale, cold and raining here and been like that for the last few days (that's Wales for you!!) Mind you I am glad it's not hot, not too comfortable when pregnant and the heat gives me fat ankles! (You won't believe it but I'm not even sunbathing when it's sunny, I just don't fancy it for once!!!) Babies are kicking and say hello - wish you could feel them it's amazing! The midwife said there are elbows and knees everywhere and they are really wriggly and kicky! I haven't resorted to braces yet but will have to do something soon... arse crack not really a good look infront of the boss!!! x