Saturday, May 05, 2007

Whoop Whoop

I am at work. As soon as I get out of here I am off to Herm on our boat. First time this year!! Hopefully Rachel will come too. Just need to pick up a crusty baguette and some cheese and I will be off. Nick's out on it at the moment and he's going to collect us from a jetty somewhere. I think a pint in the Mermaid could be in order!

Tonight, hopefully, I will be going to see Pan's Labyrinth at the new Arts Centre.

I can't think of a better plan, first a trip on the boat then a trip to the cinema. Bring on the afternoon!

And check THIS out, it's our new website for our summer party. All Nick's work but I don't mind taking the credit.

I had a lovely night last night, we had a bunch of people around for drinks then went to Christies. We met the tallest man in Guernsey! He was SERIOUSLY tall and I kept asking him his height which I think was a bit rude and people must ask him all the time. Sometimes I should shush my drunk mouth. Anyway, we saw Sue & Laurie, their friend Bjorn, Chris & Sonia, Toki, Fran & Candice.

There are lots of tourists around at the moment, I think they are from Cruise boats. I hope there is a cruise boat parked out there so we can circle it and wave at them.

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