Wednesday, May 30, 2007

I'm Spitting Teeth

Sorry, that is a horrible expression that I think I just made up. I watched the Season 3 finale of Lost last night and it was SUCH a big huge awful cliffhanger that I cannot get it out of my head today. Of course, that is exactly what the writers wanted and I am a big sucker. But still!! Anyone out there also reeling? Just me? I have been frantically addng comments on Myspace Lost sites (when I have not been working hard of course) this morning to try and get to the bottom of it.

Aside from that trauma, since I last posted I have been up to all sorts. And if you have a facebook and are a friend of Islas and Nicks you will see the photographic evidence. We all went to a wedding on Saturday over in Herm which was very nice. The couple, Chris & Sonia, had the same Church & reception as we did last year and it was just lovely to go to a wedding without actually having to DO anything and enjoy the loveliness of Herm etc etc. They had fireworks, and lobster which we didn't, but then we had live Jazz and fizzy UFO sweets so I think they were on a par!

My in-laws have just returned to the UK after staying with us for a week. I always feel so guilty after as they didn't really let me cook or do anything. Nick's Mum did all my washing while I was out at work which was lovely of her but a bit weird cos I never have had anyone to do my washing and it freaks me out a bit in all honesty although I am grateful. I must just relax about other people handling my pants.

Nick is off work and getting rid of some stuff today at a Charity shop. Its stuff left over from a long-ago car boot sale that didn't get sold so I hope the charity shop will take it and not be too offended at the crapness of it.

Anyway, all in all I had a good bank holiday weekend. Lots of eating out, cliff walks and relaxing. While I remember, I was listening to the Goonies on radio 4 the other day and this really made me laugh.... it was a clip from an interrogation between a Nazi officer and a village person set I suppose during the Second World War. It went like this:

Nazi: "Admit it! You're a spy!!"

Villager: "I'm not a spy. I'm just a shepherd."

Nazi: "Alright then.... you're a shepherd's spy!"

That is all for now. xxx

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