Monday, April 30, 2007

Coo Coo Ca Choo

I spent Saturday afternoon wandering around town with Nick, and I spent all of Sunday gardening. Pottering around and gardening, I really am getting old my dearie.

I was quite pleased with the results of spending all of Sunday in the garden, my flowerbeds look all neat and tidy, plus you can actually see the blossom on the apple tree now that I have taken the honeysuckle back. It was growing like crazy. I pruned my lavenders, as this apparentely makes them flower for longer (oh yes, I listen to Gardeners Question Time) and Maggie gave us three baby palm trees to plant. The palm trees look quite cool and dinky at the moment, I have slight reservations that they will eventually grow and become proper sized trees but that will make my garden look funky and tropical, so this is OK.

I also did something a bit naughty this morning while on a viewing. In the garden of this house there was a beautiful 'Jurrasic Park' style palm thing with these big wide leaves, and it had lots of little babies around its base so I dug one up and popped home and potted it on my way back to work! A little incognitio daytime gardening. I don't feel guilty though because I have an after-hours viewing tonight. And no one lives at the house so I can't see anyone minding.

I managed to not spend any money last week, you will be impressed to note. Staying in and eating packed lunches was the key. Although, I have a couple of friends birthdays over the next few weeks so I may be foiled. If I can keep this up for a few more weeks I should be sorted.

1 comment:

Ant said...

Hi Sam. Love the photos of you guys biking about. Hope you're well. All's good here. I can't wait to get back top Guernsey this summer and catch up with everyone. We are back for 2 weeks including 2 weekends so I am hoping you will be up for a night on the town. xxx