Saturday, January 06, 2007

Not that I believe in them BUT

Last year I made a few New Years Resolutions, and I pretty damn near managed to stick to them. I dwindled a little towards the end of the year which was a bit shit of me, so I am reinstating those ones again. They were as follows:

1) Quit smoking.
(I managed this with out 95% accuracy. I didn't smoke a cig at all until the honeymoon, which was about 6 months. Since then I have had the occasional few, mainly on nights out where my moralistic values have gone out of the window because of alcohol. I despise the smell of cigs on my fingers though so this should be pretty easy to keep this year.)

2) Do more exercise.
(I joined the gym last September and have tried to go 2 - 3 times a week. This dropped off in December, I didn't go for about 3 weeks so I have to start again now. I also got my bike over from Devon and souped it up with a new bell and a good clean. So this Summer I am all set for bike rides.)

3) Cook more and eat healthier
(Varied success last year, especially if you focus on the honeymoon and Christmas binge. I did experiment with a few more foods though, like fish which scares me. And I tried some recipes from my various cookery books. And I am going to cook a gammon tomorrow for the first time for my Dad & his girlfriend. so we're off to a good start.)

So yes, I know they are boring ones and probably the same as everyone elses. I would also like to generally improve my intelligence by reading more (ie not trashy novels)and paying more attention to important news type stuff. And while we're on a wish list I would love to improve my French. But who the hell knows what 2007 may bring? I may get run over by a bus tomorrow so I'm not going to get too far ahead of myself. My other biggie is to keep in touch with all my mates who aren't in Guernsey as I am generally very lame at this and now I live out here I realy should make more of an effort.

Yesterday I spent 2 1/2 hours taking down the Christmas tree and decorations and having a good old hoover up of pine needles. Hoovering pine needles is very satisfying. And after work today I get my hair done!! Hooray!

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