Monday, October 23, 2006


I would just like to point out that I realise my spelling is bloody awful on this blog. And every now and then I read back through my previous entries and cringe. Its not because I don't know how to spell, I'm simply too lazy to spell check at the time and I'm a crap typer.

Case in Point: Vension instead of Venison in the last post? Vension sounds like it should be a proper word for something, it has a nice ring to it. Like Tension but with added bile.

I went home at lunchtime out of guilt and ironed 5 of Nick's shirts. Karma is thus partially restored.

1 comment:

katie said...

I had a job interview a little while ago which included a spelling test...

It was awful, so bad. Words I thought I knew how to spell I coulndn't.

And I never did hear back about the job...

Hope you are ok. I am back for a short weekend on the 18th? Nov (the sat-mon anyway) We should catch up
