Wednesday, September 27, 2006


... know any good films / book / websites?

I am bored and in need of new stuff to fill my brain up.


katie said...


I am reading a book called "Yes Man". It's about a guy who started saying yes to everything and how it changed his life. V funny..

Anonymous said...

Some i look at regularly! (Esp. the news entertainment pages)
Suz x

Ant said...

We need to talk about kevin and The time travellers's wife are
both really good reads. Have you seen Otra lado de la cama. It's a spanish film but really funny. You can get it with subtitles. made me laugh! It's a musical - but well worth it - about 2 couples who have troubles in their relationships.

You're only bored now without the stress and adrenalin of organising a wedding! You should become a wedding planner!! xxx

tabilda said...

Katie - i am reading that too, it is making me feel very unfulfilled! Sam, i think you should join and then you can really be a part of the rumour mill.

SteveR said...

re. Films - I saw The Queen in Edinburgh a couple of days ago, and that was truly excellent in terms of acting (especially by Helen Mirren and the guy playing Tony Blair). Thought it was a great film, but may not be your cup of tea(?)

katie said...

Oooh not only join, but check out the gallery pages. They take pics of people wasted around town. There are some scary sights!!! Kx