Finally I've got around to putting a couple of pictures up of my little snagglepuss. Clearly she was unimpressed that Nick had given her a bath on that particular day. And the first one shows her anchoring herself onto the sofa arm to stop herslef sliding off.
Hello stranger and welcome. I would like to extend my warmest felicitation and general thoughts of loveliness to you, and I hope you enjoy this wander into the inner workings of my mind.
Apple jam custard, pea snot pie, all mixed together in a dead cats eye. Get a jam butty, slap it on thick, and swirl it all down with a cup of cold sick.
she is THE cutest thing ever...! I love her!!! I can't wait till tim and I get a house and are able to get a cat!
I am so impressed that you can wash your cat! Mine would have cut me to shreds. Whats your secret?
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