you know only friday Toni found a dead maybug at work and showed me because I had told her about your encounter ("whats a maybug toni? Do we have them here? my friend sam saw one in guernsey and thats not that far away... i hate bugs!" etc etc
Hello stranger and welcome. I would like to extend my warmest felicitation and general thoughts of loveliness to you, and I hope you enjoy this wander into the inner workings of my mind.
Apple jam custard, pea snot pie, all mixed together in a dead cats eye. Get a jam butty, slap it on thick, and swirl it all down with a cup of cold sick.
you know only friday Toni found a dead maybug at work and showed me because I had told her about your encounter ("whats a maybug toni? Do we have them here? my friend sam saw one in guernsey and thats not that far away... i hate bugs!" etc etc
Thanks sam, I told tim about the maybug thing and he had never heard of them either! Are they a guernsey only bug?? The picture helped!
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