Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Weekend of Plenty

Bah, I really should update this diary more often cos I leave it for days and days and then I have to wrack my brain trying to recap loads. On Saturday I went to Jersey for the day, primarily for a dress fitting (Woooo) and secondarily to shop and thirdly but by no means lastly to meet Alex whose blog I also read. I've never met anyone over the internet before and actually I was a bit nervous but I'm really glad I did, she's lovely. And the koi are great! I wish I was brave enough to get a funky tattoo but I'm not good with pain or with knowing what I like. Anyway, we went and looked at my dress and she took me to a little smoothie bar where I had a gorgeous pineapple/coconut one, mmmmmmmmmmm. We also spent a lot of time trying on perfumes in various shops, my black jacket absolutely reeks now but its a nice smell, I can't remember which perfume I sprayed on it but nevermind.

Then I came back from Jersey, fed my friends cat and got changed and came out into town. It ended up turning into one of those fantastic crazy nights out where you bump into people you haven't seen for literally years and you're like OHHH MY GAAAAAD when you see them, ha ha and I got a bit pissed and there we go. Walked through a flower bed in my newly purchased suede shoes but they didn't come off too badly. I fell asleep on the sofa and Nick carried me to bed eventually, I think I was a bit away with the fairies.

On Sunday I woke up in satan's pit of hell, downed about 7 litres of water and some paracetamol and went around to my cousins house for lunch. We had tandori chicken and cheesecake for pudding. Then DIY, primarily sanding, filling and paiting skirting boards until about 8:30 then home to bed.

Monday sucked, just did about 12 hours straight of DIY to get it finished for today when the carpets were booked to arrive. But hey, guess what? It's Monday now and the fucking carpets haven't arrived. Nick's taken the week off work to move in and the bloody people only have enough carpet for one room, not the whole 4, and the bathroom flooring hasn't shown up either. Can't believe I worked so hard for NOTHING, they are total bums.

So there we are, exciting life eh! Tonight I'm going to deliver Dad his duty frees, get my marriage licence round to the vicars and go home for a good old tidy up. Rew might possibly be coming round for dinner as well which is cool, he's leaving for Swindon tomorrow.

1 comment:

Alex said...

not wanting to worry you, the smell of burning, isnt that a sign of a stroke?

Also you are you hot or not picture doesn't do you justice lady.

And the football hooligan kids/idiots, were just stupid really. I sort of found it funny because they THOUGHT they were intimidating. Thats the funniest bit. I didn't live on the doorstep of both Spurs/Arsenal football grounds and not learn anything that is for sure. Okay I think that was the worst sentance I have ever written, but I hope you get my drift.