Thursday, May 04, 2006

Sing Hosannas!

We have CARPETS. Yes, that's right, carpets! Carpets galore, in every room, plus vinyl in the bathroom. All they have left to do is the matting around the 2 doors. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

I have gone to the passport office and applied for a new one. I was a doofus and signed my normal signature when I was supposed to do it in my new married name so I had to do it again in front of the girl. Doh. I also popped in to see Nick and he is fitting the high tech speaker system that I will never in a million years be able to understand. Also, went to M&S for bread and fizzy sweeties for Rachel. I texted her and I might see her tonight. I realised I'm off tomorrow for a wedding in Somerset so I won't be able to see her over the weekend so tonight is the only time I can really see her before I go. Hopefully that's OK and not too pushy of me. It is a bit soon and all.

1 comment:

Alex said...

Ooooh yay! Did you finish painting in time?

Have fun in Somerset!