Monday, May 15, 2006

Sinatra and Champagne

Ha, one of those crazy things happened. Providence or good karma, I like to call it. We have a friend who has just left Guernsey for Swindon. This mate left his business card behind the bar in Sinatras cocktail bar a month or so ago in some kind of win-free-drinks-for-the-night competition.

Aaaaanyway, he gets a letter forwarded through to him the other day and he had won it, but DOH, now he's in Swindon so he gave it to us. Big hurrahs all round! On Friday we turned up with our golden ticket and got free drinks to the tune of £150. We drank a couple bottles of Champagne before realising we could easily blow the entire budget that way so then switched to wine and cocktails. Which was nice. The evening ended, I have a feeling we were in Barbados again, hmmm anyway not sure about that but came home eventually and had a midnight pig out of pasta & Processed cheese. Bleugh.

On Saturday night we went to the Doghouse for Rachels birthday meal which was nice but ohmygod I wish I hadn't preordered the pudding. We had to leave early becuase Nick had some serious bout of man-flu and thought he was dying.

Saturday and Sunday daytime were moving house days, lots of mess, boxes and clutter and a cat that kept escaping down the drive. Got her back though and she's fine.

Hmm, yesterday, just spent the evening packing boxes and stuff, and also Nick completely attacked the beautiful fuschia in the garden with a pair of shears and now it looks really miserable. I hope it grows back because I love it's pink flowers. I watched episode 17 of Lost S2 which was SO good on Nick's laptop and the battery ran out in a REALLY good bit and I nearly started gnawing the side of the sofa. Don't worry we plugged it in and watched it to the end so my sofa is safe.

It's Tuesday now and in my lounch hour I just had a brief meeting with my lovely florist and also popped into the hairdresser I would like to use for my wedding hair. And I've set up a second meeting with the balloon people on Thurs. Its ALL STEAM AHEAD gung ho stylee on the wedding front. And! I'm having a hair cut on Sat afternoon.

Molly threw up what was basically an owl-pellet sized hard lump of a fur ball this morning. It was so compressed it must have been in her tum for months. I was fascinated by it.

1 comment:

Alex said...

oooh catch up to america as soon as you! its gotten VERY VERY strange indeed!

and yes i had my lunch, it was yum....!