Thursday, March 23, 2006


Sorry, two glasses of wine and I turn into a twat. That is all. Umm, just come back from the wonderful Mallard cinema, yes it's named after a duck. V for Vendetta? V for Vubbish I'm sorry to say I found really like a too awful knowing rehash of 1984 but with current political issues and focusing on how paranoid Britain is... OK fair enough its good to illustrate to people what might possibly happen if we continue to live our relatively sanitised lives but it reaaaaally dragged in the middle bit. And we never got to see the phantom of the opera! How sucky is that. Is it bad that I fancied Natalie Portman?

oh apparentely we have Rew to stay tonight, Rew has just found out that I have a blog, I think he thinks its a bit weird. I admitted that it takes a certain amount of vanity to think that folk might want to read what I think all the time every day but. The Day Today is SO funny, even funnier than Alan Partrifge if I put myself out on a limb. Police have just cordoned a man in Piccadilly who may have eaten an explosive dog and he is backed by Sein Fein. You have to be here.

I felt like an insane person when I was driving home from the cinema on my own tonight. I had the scissor sisters on really loud and it was raining really heavily and the windscreen wipers were on fast. It was like Ride of the Valkyries but to Take your Mama.


Alex said...

Haha! The Bill! What is funny is that you are spot on that one. The more I think about it yes. Just as well it wasn't full of Bill actors like most UK films I see. I spend my life watching them going "Oh thats Beppe from Eastenders" well, not him, cos he hasn't been in anything good I don't think.

I found a way of making the other one private so I am now back on the blog radar!

Yeah, I'm getting my chest piece started. I presume you didn't realise that I already have quite a few tattoos... I have a sleeve and some other bits on my other arm, back and legs. Except some of those are a bit shit, but we'll replace them eventually.

If looked as good at Natalie Portman bald I'd shave my head too I think. Shes lovely.

And the weekend? I think I have no plans whatsoever!

Bazlurgan said...

It's a shame that you didn't like V for Vendetta, I was rather taken by it, and this is from a self confessed fan of 1984 (and anything George Orwell).

I thought it was rather good that you never saw V's face, if it was any other film, it would be the obvious thing to reveal him at the end of the film.