Thursday, March 09, 2006


Am still a bit full of snot and Nick's still off work. Molly seemed slightly chirpier today although still not 100%, she has eaten a little food. Her blood test results are all clear which is brilliant. I just want my little black cat back.

My Dad's not likely to read this so I can tell you that I bought him a mahogany wall clock and a book called the Timewaster Letters which is pure genius, he's gonna love it. I also went to FatFace in my lunch hour and bought a few wicked little things for Julia who is leaving tomorrow and is off to live in Koh Samui, the lucky lady. FatFace is her favourite shop she's a bit of a surfer chick. We also had to pay our plasterer £850 which is a bit of a knock but we were expecting it. And Nick's making a website for people coming over from England for our wedding, its brilliant.

That's all my news for now. Sorry its just like bullet points isn't it, my life in brief... I guess. Let me try to think of something a bit more interesting to say. Umm, I spent 4 years at Art College, yes, there you go. I can draw. I did a fine art degree and specialised in multi media and time based art. I wrote a thesis on Rene Magritte, Ceci n'est pas une pipe. I also spent a year doing Art Foundation, and did A Levels in Art & Design, Ancient History and Religious Studies. I like to think of myself as an intellectual but in truth I don't read/learn enough to keep up to scratch. I spent about 8 years being very hippy/goth complete with leather/pvc/black lipstick and scary London clubs but at heart I'm not scary I just liked the bassy music. Since I've been with Nick this has died off as he's more into Harry Connick Jnr & Norah Jones than Marilyn Manson and Tura Satana. I still have a lot of love in my heart for that sort of thing though and truly if Nick hadn't come along I would probably still be in biker boots and tie dye. But I love him so there you go. I have quite a big family but my Mum died when I was 11 so my Dad brought me & my sister up.

There I think that's quite enough personal information, I have to remember this is t'internet and there could be all sorts of strange bods reading this. Ok probably not but you never know.

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