Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Alien Vs Predator

I see the scriptwriters conversation for this film going something like this...
(NB it helps to imagine them talking like Beavis & Butthead)

"Hey, huh huh huh, urrr, I have a great idea for a movie. We could get the evil evil Aliens from, um, Alien with the big nashy teeth and the acid blood. They were like COOL and stuff. Then you know that other film with Arnold Schwartzneggerwegg where he's like all commando in the jungle all sweaty fighting the dreadlocky nasty invisible dude? Well we could make them have a big WWF style fight..."

"Sounds cool, maybe for a video game more than a movie though..."

"No way, I see big screen for this one baby! We could put them together, say, uh, in a huge underground stone vault, ummm, under a thousand tons of ice at the North Pole, and throw in a few stranded people who haven't got a clue what's going. It'd be GREAT I tell you, genius!"

"Yeah! And we could boobytrap the vault into a death trap, and we should SO get that mother alien that the bald woman fights with the forklift in it somehow as well!"

"Yeah! Huh huh, cool. Smack down!!"

Actually, I have to say I did enjoy this film, I watched it last night and it is very funny. I wanted the aliens to win though and they didn't. And what a twist that the predator makes friends with the Hally-Berry lookalike! Genius. In a kind of excited teenage boy type of way.

I'm just trying a rooboish and vanilla tea for the first time and its nice but a tad sickly. Not as good as the rooboish/earl grey one which is manna from heaven.

The Apprentice tonight! Yay more telly that I like! We missed last weeks and tried to watch it last night on the laptop but it kept freezing every few minutes and buffering. So it took about 2 hours to watch rather than the normal one. How irritating.

Off to a viewing in a minute, a second viewing in fact on a nice house. I'm wearing my pink scarf today which will bring me sales.... maybe.

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