Thursday, February 02, 2006

One bloated tummy

Ohhhhh my God I literally could explode right now. Ugh.

I am sat at my desk, only I'm hunched over my desk like Quasimodo. I have the worst indigestion ever. It obviously has a lot to do with the entire large bag of Penn state pretzels, toad in the hole, mashed potato, chocolate fondue, haribo sweets and bottles of wine I consumed last night. I can see why people become bullimic, I really can. The thought of sticking my fingers down my throat and emptying out my stuffed gullet is very very tempting right now. But first I will try a peppermint tea to ease the pain.

Our friends introduced us to 'Articulate' last night, which is a boardgame version of Richard & Judy's 'You say, We pay' basically. Great fun.

Also, my tummy button hurts. I stuffed my old belly ring through it the other night to see if the hole was open (after about 5 years of not wearing it) and weirdly enough it was. Only it bled when I removed it again and now it hurts and my trousers are cutting in to it where my stomach is so big today.

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