Thursday, January 05, 2006


A nun just walked past my shop window. If I look out across the street I can see two african heads in the window opposite staring out at me.

I ran a finger over my desk yesterday and it had a cake of filth on it so I think I may have a wipe-round later on. I never really think how gross my desk actually is. My phone and mouse in particular get gunged up over time with this sort of grey paste which you have to scrape off with your fingernail. This is not something I generally worry about but it is kind of revolting.

Last night I played Chinese Checkers with Nick and beat him 2 out of 3 times. It is a simple and fun game to play and you can even watch TV at the same time. We also invented a new game of 'dragging Sam fast around the kitchen on the laminate while she's wearing skiddy socks' which made me very very dizzy and want to vom.

I was just reading the BBC news website and they are making a partical accelorater at CERN on the French/Swiss border just like the one in the Da Vinci Code. It's set to be tested Summer 2007. It's kind of scary that they're experimenting with dark matter, I hope they know what they're doing. Trying to recreate the Big Bang has got to come with risks aplenty.

Talking of scary things I was surfing the web yesterday about the Yellowstone Park supervolcano. The BBC docudrama about it was just so terrifying I couldn't sleep for a couple of nights but from what the park scientists are saying it's quite unlikely its going to erupt. (If it does erupt we will all die, basically, for those who didn't see the programme, and the world will be plunged into an ice age.)

Also have been thinking about the moon landings and if they were faked. I think they were, definitely. That's one conspiracy theory which just too much evidence behind it.

I am over half way through my Allan Carr book, it is getting soooooooooo repetitive but I am determind to finish it. It's been 5 days with no smoke and I don't intend to slip up.

I made up a dinner last night with chicken, mustard, honey and white wine and it worked and was yummy. I threw all the ingredients in a frying pan. Tonight it's good old spag bol with possibly some garlic bread. Nick really loves garlic bread so I might see if I can make some low fat alternative with M&S 'count on us' bread. I know it won't be quite the same but we both got to lose some weight.

Nick's off to the gym tonight so I'll be home alone and be able to watch Buffy and get some housework done. It's his first session so fingers crossed he enjoys it.

Liz, who sits opposite from me, has just brought a hot chocolate and brownie back to the office and is guzzling it in front of me. I did slip up and eat a mars bar earlier though so I can't have any more chocolate. I have a box of ferrero rocher at home which I was trying to ration but last night I polished off loads. Shit.

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