Monday, January 30, 2006

Hen nights and evil buckets

Brokeback Mountain? Verrrrry very slow indeed. It was a good film but towards the end I was snoozing in the back row of the cinema. Not much is said by either of the two main characters, the whole way through. But there are lots of anguished looks and pensive glances, and shots of glorious mountainsides. You have to be in the right mood, which I think I was. But had it been on TV I probably would have channel surfed.

Saturday night, we ate at Sawadhi, (a very nice thai restaurant where you sit on the floor on big cushions, hence cramp and backache) then went on a girlie rampage around town, hitting the Albion bar, Laska's, the Red Onion and finally ending the evening in Barbados, (the nightclub, not the island). Catherine was forced to wear a veil, banner etc and we all wore devil horns and badges. I think she had a good time, I'm not sure because I was very very drunk. I know I was drunk because I made it from the taxi into my house but no further. I woke up in the lounge with the cat on my face, coat and shoes still firmly in place.

The next morning Nick woke me up by flicking me with cold water and shouting 'The power of Christ compels you" because apparentely I looked possessed.

Catherine's Mum, during the day before the hen night, was walking past the town Church when a bucket flew off the scaffolding and hit her on the head! So she spent most of the afternoon in A&E but was a real trooper and came out to the meal, but she had to go home afterwards. We all told her she should sue the workman but she's far too nice to do that. What a thing to happen though.

I have been reading 'Diaries of an internet lover' by Dawn Porter, which arrived from Amazon on Saturday. I went to school with Dawn and since then she has gone on to great things and she has recently had this book published. It is a journal of 6 months that she spent living in London where she met different men via a dating website. There are quite a few explicit and naughty stories and its really weird to read it. She always was a saucy minx at school to be fair. I can remember a sex-ed class, being partnered with her when we were made to put condoms on bananas, she really knew what she was doing whereas I was a giggling wide eyed 14 year old.

I did manage to put in a few hours of DIY this weekend, even though yesterday I felt like death all day. I was very dizzy and dry mouthed which I know is my own sweet fault but there you go. There is a depressing amount of work we have to do still and it really got me down. I am going to have to start doing evenings in order to get anywhere.


Bazlurgan said...


I'm planning to go and see Brokeback Mountain soon as well.

Not my normal sort of film (I'm not into gay cowboys, despite my blog picture), but I always try to catch up on the Oscar contenders prior to the big night.

Hen Nights said...

This is the nice post and i like this post too much and more enjoy with Hen Nights and more enjoy with Hen Parties and Hen Night Party.