Friday, January 27, 2006

Gay Porn

I'm off to see Brokeback mountain tonight to get me some gay cowboy action, yeeeehaw. OK I know its not gay porn exactly but its as close as I'm likely to get.

Tomorrow it's the big hen weekend for Catherine, starting with lunch tomorrow then an afternoon/evening of fun with lots of thai food and cocktails I think. As chief bridesmaid I have been in charge of organising it, Cat's flying over from oop north tonight with 2 of her friends. Susan has already said she's up for getting really hammered although Rachel's going to be driving (quelle surprise). Personally I will erring on the drunk side as usual. I have bought table decorations for the restaurant, heh heh, she's going to love it or hate me, I'm not sure which.

I put in 3 hours of DIY last night at the flat (and still have paint up my arm) to make up for not doing much this weekend. I didn't get home until 9pm.

One of the girls I work with has just come back from travelling and she phoned the office to tell us she'e met a man in Thailand and is going back out there to live with him. She's just her to work out her notice period then she's off again. She sounded so happy on the phone it brought on a big lump in my throat. My boss doesn't know yet, I'm not sure if he'll take it that well.

I just got back from going into town in my lunch hour, I bumped into a guy, also called Sam, who I hadn't seen in about 6 or 7 years. I love it when stuff like that happens to you! I also saw a girl in the supermarket two days ago who I hadn't seen since school, that's 8 years. I didn't recognise her but she did me. Cor hang, that's Guernsey eh! Sam is off to New York soon, he's been offered a job there as a tree surgeon or something.

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