Monday, June 01, 2009

The DIY Begins...

It was the first day of full on internal work at the house today. Nick's sister Holly came too and we spent the day peeling back layers upon layers of flock and woodchip wallpaper - nice. It had been painted so was a bastard to soak off hence a day of solid work with not much to show for it at the end of the day. Oh well still it all counts towards the finish line eh. It was also very, very mouldy and fungal so we had to wear dust masks as we were making clouds of spores rise into the air with every scrape of the paper.

Slightly distracted as am watching obese teenagers on the telly while typing this and also stuffing my face with popcorn at the same time. Thems real big fatties! If I eat enough popcorn maybe I can look like that one day! Oh my goodness so BGT finished and now SueBo is in the Priory in London after having a breakdown. Such car crash tv you've got to love it/hate it but ultimately watch it! We recorded it and watched it yesterday, fast forwarding all the crap bits which is the only way.

So we had the weekend off from working on the garden/house. Instead we spent Saturday sunbathing then drove to Devises in Wiltshire for a wedding reception in the evening. It was a gorgeous do in a very posh boarding school building, like something out of Harry Potter . It's half term so luckily no kids around and it was really fun walking around reading all the rules on the boards and stuff.

My Dad & his partner Maggie were there and it was lovely to see them, especially to give our support to Maggie as her daughter very sadly just lost her baby girl. She was 2 weeks old and had been very poorly from the start with a very rare muscle condition. It was poor Maggie's first grandchild and I can't even begin to imagine what it must have been like for her, Kirsty & Andy. They live out in Budapest which makes it hard as all their family and friends are back in the UK. it was just been incredibly sad and horrific for everyone and poor little Ella never really had a chance. It's so hard to even know what to say, everything you can think of sounds trite and cheesy. Anyway Dad & Maggie came to Southampton yesterday to see the house which was good. I'm glad they've seen it at the start of the renovations, it will look very different next time I hope.

Well I got rid of my grotty cold of last week but have a lingering hoarse throat so sound really gruff and manly. Feeling OK but really physically tired still from all the physical work. OH I just sneezed twice I shouldn't have written that I've jinxed myself.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oooh I'm so jealous. I love a bit of DIY!! I can't wait to buy our place next year - when we move back to UK. I bet it feels like slow progress but you'll be chuffed when it's looking great. Gem's been working hard on her place for a couple of years and it's unrecognisable now. See you soon. xxx