Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Photo From the Uptairs Window

So this kind of shows part of the U shape of houses that this house is a part of. The green in the middle is a large, shared area plus we also would have a big back garden. This photo doesn't really show you but it is rather lovely and Jane Austen esque as you walk around it.


Anonymous said...

The view is very grand and very English it looks lovely! Do you get any carparking spaces assigned?
(I couldn't be without car parking now i have 2 sproglets plus double pram plus bag plus everything else!)
Floozie x

DamoCat said...

So exciting and nerve racking. Hope that you and Nick have had a chance to digest what you've learned and been able to make a decision you're both happy with. The view is great and it seems to be very rentable (not that I'm an expert.
Good luck with it all and try not to stress too much - you can't go getting ill.
Love and hugs from us all.