Saturday, September 02, 2006

Mouth like an Old Sock

We went out last night and now I have to work. So far the morning hasn't started so well. The phone was ringing as I walked through the door and it was one of those 'difficult' ones where they are sharing just that bit too much personal information. Its like, sure, I can put your house on the market, just tell me the details. I reeeeeeeally don't need to know all this personal stuff about your private life.


Anyway, I feel hungover, again. Hence the title of this blog, But don't feel sorry for me as its my own fault. I drank 5 pints, 5! I normally stop after 2 and switch to whisky & coke. I think I just forgot to do that. But I've had a cup of tea and a bowl of coco pops which has perked me up and I know by early afternoon I will be fine. I think tonight it would be nice to have just maybe Rachel around and we can watch Firefly episodes together. Nick and I are going to go shopping this afternoon for sportswear... thats right you read that right!! Am going to buy outfits for the gym, as all I have is absolutely nothing. And you really can't wear denim to cycle in, lets just say it chafes. So some comfy troos and a couple of tops. Christ, I only have fashion trainers, I might have to get a proper pair of those as well?

We met some really lovely new people last night, hopefully we'll see them again soon. What I loved about the girl was that she is an RS teacher so we drunkenly gabbled on about stuff for ages, you know what its like. I was regaling my Scientology experience from San Francisco, (nb the long shot is that it is a total con... sorry Tom Cruise / John Travolta but there you have it) and she knows a lot about Buddhism which I find fascinating.

PS the friends situation might have resolved itself? As friend No.2 has called it off... We shall see.

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